What are the assumptions, issues, or debates that structure the conversations about immigrants related to the chosen topic?

Africa-American music in the U.S Analyze Africa-American music in the U.S. as it is represented in at least three forms of pop culture these can be different forms, such as film, cartoons, songs, or they can be separate examples of the same form, such as three comics, video games, or tv shows, for example. Each […]

What would your independent variable be-This means how would you divide your subjects into groups?

Discussion  Research method Below you will find three research questions. Your task is to choose ONE question. Come up with an idea of how you would run an experimental study to find an answer to one of these questions. Address who your subjects will be. How many subjects would you have? What would your independent […]

Explain to students that they are going to learn how to make a Preview Map of a text- book page.

Non-Fiction Standards Teaching the Strategy of Preview Maps Step 1: Show a copy or transparency of the chapter opener (Figure 6.1). Ask students to note the main features on this page. Provide a model by pointing out the heading across the top under the section title. Help students see that headings, subheads, graphs, charts, photos,cartoons, […]

How do such skewed views affect real-life interactions with members of minority groups?

Social and Cultural Norms Overview In this assignment, you will argue a pro or con position involving minorities, women, or LGBTQ individuals given an audience with opposing views. Presenting stereotypes of minorities/women/LGBTQ individuals affects viewers’ conceptions of different groups. How do such skewed views affect real-life interactions with members of minority groups? Is there a […]

Describe your author’s method-style-Is this straight reportage-Is it an opinion piece?

Should students receive mental health days off school Title: Your title is your Research Question Section 1: State your position or argument CLEARLY with a general back-up reason. You should also state the reasons you chose this topic, or person– why you believe it is of interest and importance. Then cite the two articles you […]