Discuss the logic of this model for mining fresh insight and doing something different with it to inspire a more permanent campaign for an example brand and their audience (pick a brand and suggest an insight about their key audience).

Read, analyze and critique chapter 10, Affirmation Becomes Autonomy in The Big Leap  an Ethics of Insight, volume 1. Several themes are applicable to our course’s key imperative – the surfacing of fresh, deep insight into human desire and briefing a new kind of marketing as value-making for the specific people who matter to our […]

How has global climate change affected the local climate-geography of the region discussed in your article?

Journal 12 | Catastrophe, Journal | Carbon’s Casualties 1. Journal  12 | Catastrophe 1. Dubner (2015) Freakonomics Radio: How efficient is energy efficiency? (Links to an external site.) (podcast) 2. U.S. Energy Information Administration (2021). US Energy Facts Explained 2. Journal 13 | Carbon’s Casualties Prompt: Answer the following questions based on your assigned “Carbon’s […]