Distinguish between experimental and non-experimental research.

Define the concept of a variable, distinguish quantitative from categorical variables, and give examples of variables that might be of interest to psychologists. Explain the difference between a population and a sample. Distinguish between experimental and non-experimental research. Distinguish between lab studies, field studies, and field experiments.  

How many new variables would you get as a result of this one-hot encoding? Explain.

Data Loading Q1.  Load the data from the source file and set up the target y and predictors X as expected by scikitlearn. Train-Test Split Q2. ) Create a train-test 80-20 split of the data while maintaining the same target value proportion in each of the training and testing partition. You should use the training […]

dentify the independent variables(s) and dependent variable(s). include definitions of independent and dependent variables

Experimental design As a school administrator, you have been asked to submit a research proposal on truancy and the school counseling program. In your proposal, you are required to address the following in detail. Design an experiment based on the topic above and briefly describe the experiment in great detail. 1. Identify your hypothesis and […]

What are the personal-communal ethical factors that may be involved in determining the moral position of either side given a contemporary debate, such as those concerning animal rights, stem cell research, abortion, the death penalty-so forth?

ETHICS Week 5 Discussion: Kant’s Ethics and Our Duty Kant’s famous First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative reads, “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.” Kant taught morality as a matter of following maxims of living that reflect absolute laws. “Universal” […]

What do the researchers do to go “beyond” categorical measurements of gender? How do they measure gender?

Indexes and Scales Carefully review the “Background” and “Data and Methods” sections of the research article and then respond to the questions below.Be thorough with your responses and, where appropriate, provide as much information about the measures as you can find in the article. Questions What are “categorical” measurements and how do they limit the […]