What about categorizing people in a positive way does that result in prejudice?

Prejudice Prejudice is an unjustified or incorrect attitude (usually negative) towards an individual based solely on the individual’s membership of a social group. Does the categorization of people always result in prejudice? What about categorizing people in a positive way does that result in prejudice? Does the very categorization of people for example, as female, […]

How have you progressed? How have you worked with the coding and categorization-What do you think was easy/hard?

Qualitative and quantitative method with SPSS-coding/datasheet The chosen topic question is “How does age, gender, marital status and what sector you work in effect weekly work hours?” Both tasks, the qualitative and quantitative should be formed after this topic, but they doesn’t need to have exactly the same thematic questions. You will find the questions […]