What communication channel would you choose and why?

Assignment Question(s): Part 1 (10 Marks) Find a job announcement for a position of interest to you and answer the following: Group and categorize the key abilities and attributes that are being sought. (4 Marks) Create either a chronological or functional résumé. (5 Marks) Explain why you selected this type of résumé. . (1 Mark) […]

Explain the value chain activities that this product would go through from start to finish.

Choose a company that manufactures a specific product. Then, answer the following questions based on assumptions and research conducted about the company and its product. Describe the product that is being made and the company that makes it. Explain the value chain activities that this product would go through from start to finish. Remember that […]

Does your paper have good categories to evaluate the teaching you observed?

Based on your classroom observations,categorize specific examples of good teaching and comment on why this worked. Categorize each example according to general category (classroom management, assessment, activity, student engagement etc.) Post your final paper here. It must be carefully revised and proofread. Use this checklist before submitting your file: 1. Does your paper answer the […]