How did you create a new way of doing things or forge new paths?

Question One of the underlying ideas of this unit is rebellion and change. During the 15th through 18th centuries Europeans began challenging old ways of doing things and seeking new paths and ideas. This is evident in the Renaissance, where Europeans rediscovered the culture and art of ancient Greece and Rome, and during the Reformation, […]

How does my view of death compare with the beliefs found in the six great religious traditions?

Working with others, answer the following: Why has religion been relevant to humankind for more than ten thousand years? Also, ask those you are working with why religion has been shadowed by so much violence for thousands of years. Go to YouTube and search for videos that show a religious service inside a Catholic church, […]

Account for how Luther’s argument and tone changes between the publication of these two documents how do you explain these shifts?

Martin Luther’s Reforms This 3 to 4 page paper asks you to analyze and make an argument about a primary source we have read in class. Papers for this class should be typed, in a standard 12-point font like Times New Roman or similar, with one-inch margins (standard settings). Double space the body of your […]

Are any miracles associated with the appearance since it happened?

Apparitions of Mary : Our Lady of Lourdes Apparitions of Mary Mary has appeared to numerous people over the years. 6 of the appearances have the approval of the Catholic Church. Answer the questions to write a 2 page paper 600 words 12 pt font. Research the Apparition “Our Lady of Lourdes” A.What is the […]

Examine various programs and criminal justice efforts currently in place to deal with this issue and some of the measures the Catholic Church has instituted in the wake of these sexual assault/rapes of minors.

This assignment will be worth a total of 100pts of your final grade for this course. For this assignment, each student will assume the role of researcher on the topic of our local and national news story involving the sexual abuse and assaults of minor victims by clergy and laypersons of the Catholic Church. Students […]