What do you believe what the strongest factor that caused its downfall?

Causality at least 150 words, 2 paragraphs For your initial post: you will consider the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 CE). What do you believe what the strongest factor that caused its downfall? While the fall of Rome had many factors, you are limited to discussing, at most, 2 interrelated factors. At least […]

How does Kant answer Hume’s skeptical view of causality?

Social Issues Plaguing the African American Community. Compare and contrast Hume’s empiricist skepticism with Kant’s transcendental idealism by focusing on the single issue of causality. Why does Hume reject real causality? How does Kant answer Hume’s skeptical view of causality? Do you find Kant’s response to Hume adequate? Why or why not?

define a new random uquence X, by subtracting 1 from the product of three conucutive Sk values

Let {5,} be an infinite sequence of i.i.d.Al(1, 1) random variables. define a new random uquence X, by subtracting 1 from the product of three conucutive Sk values, according to: X, = S„,S,S,_, —1. Let =  be an estimate of &arrived at by passing X, through en LTI filter:   S,         Al(1, 1) […]

Identify the kind of causality intended by the following statements.

Identify the kind of causality intended by the following statements. Is the cause a sufficient condition, necessary condition, or both sufficient and necessary condition? ★1. Throwing a brick through a window will cause the window to break. Heating an iron rod causes it to expand. Slashing an inflated automobile tire with a knife will cause […]

How will your qualitative analysis method supplement your quantitative methods?

Mixed Methods Approach The popularity of mixed methods approaches in evaluation has increased significantly over the last decade, although there is still some controversy regarding these approaches. The mixed methods approach has gained traction in the field of policy evaluation since it represents both a compromise and a challenge for proponents of more conventional evaluation […]

What if Ward’s defense is simply that her poor treatment of Herawi had nothing to do with national origin but that she just really did not like Herawi specifically?

Case Analysis Case Questions Are you persuaded by the state’s evidence that it had an individual of a different nationalorigin who was treated similarly to Herawi? If Ward (or other managers) treated everyoneequally poorly, perhaps there is no national origin claim. What if Ward’s defense is simply that her poor treatment of Herawi had nothing […]

Describe-discuss conditions under which hospital cost shifting can occur-its causality.

Hospitals – The Affordable Care Act and the Impact on U.S. Healthcare Providers Topic 4 – Hospitals Address EACH of the following content items in your Paper: 1. Discuss why hospitals are predominantly nonprofit. 2. Describe and discuss the performance of nonprofit and for-profit hospitals. 3. Describe and discuss tax-exempt status for nonprofit hospitals. 4. […]