Is the article stating that the two variables are correlated or that they have a causal relationship?

Assignment: Find an example of an article that that relates two variables. Is the article stating that the two variables are correlated or that they have a causal relationship? Does the article confuse correlation and causation? Discuss other variables that could contribute to the relationship between the variables.

Explain why a researcher might choose to conduct correlational research rather than experimental research or another type of non experimental research.

Correlational Research Define correlational research and give several examples. Explain why a researcher might choose to conduct correlational research rather than experimental research or another type of non experimental research. Interpret the strength and direction of different correlation coefficients. Explain why correlation does not imply causation  

Describe what would happen if you assumed a cause and effect relationship in your example.

Statistics Integration 7 We know association does not imply causation, but what does this mean in your own words? Provide and discuss an example of two variables that are associated, but not by a cause and effect relationship. Describe what would happen if you assumed a cause and effect relationship in your example.  

What statistic(s) would show the value of that regression in understanding BMI?

Discussion: Correlation and Regression 1. If a regression analysis was to be completed on body mass index (BMI), what could be an independent variable in that analysis? Why? 2. If we could, what other independent variables should be included in the analysis? 3. What statistic(s) would show the value of that regression in understanding BMI? […]

What is the basis for their argument-What might be an explanation for their strange conclusion?

Correlation or causation? Because economics deals with real-world situations, it is difficult to hold the kind of experiment necessary to prove absolute causation. Economic tools can easily uncover correlations, which show relationships between two factors. Remember, though, that no matter how concrete they may seem, these correlations do not prove causation. Confusing causation with correlation […]

How did plantation crops-the slavery system change between 1790 and 1860? Looking at economic, political-environmental factors, why did these changes occur?

American History Before 1877 (Section 4) 1.How did plantation crops and the slavery system change between 1790 and 1860? Looking at economic, political, and environmental factors, why did these changes occur? 2. Looking at the causation and motives, did America’s 1846-47 War with Mexico better the existing situation at home, or did it worsen matters?  […]

Describe the different settings in which experimental research is conducted and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each setting.

Introduction to research methods take home examWeek 2 – Learning Objectives: Describe the different types of variables used in quantitative research. Explain the nature of causation and how researchers establish cause-and-effect relationships. Describe the key characteristics of the experimental research approach as used in psychology. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of experimental research. Describe the […]

Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you:Differentiate between correlation and causation.

Wk 4 – Correlation and Causation [due Mon] Assignment Content This weeks’ discussion of correlation and causation helps us interpret and understand what the data created from research means to the problem or question that we are addressing. Write a 700- to 1050-word paper in which you:Differentiate between correlation and causation. .Explain how each is […]

Did the effect stem directly from the event- Which cause was most significant?

Historians often debate the causes and effects of events, because history is complex and filled with multiple variables. Some facts are facts: black and white. But most of history is gray: up for interpretation. When analyzing causation, we must remember that we are making a judgement and defending our viewpoint. And remember every viewpoint has […]