What were your reactions after reading the texts and watching the videos?

1. Choose a prompt from the discussion questions that you want to develop into a research paper. For example: What did you know about Thanksgiving? Who told you about it for the first time? What did they tell you? What were your reactions after reading the texts and watching the videos? Were there religious motives […]

Why or why not celebrate holidays and if you choose to celebrate, which ones would you celebrate and be specific about how you would choose to celebrate these with children.

Holidays in School How do you feel about celebrating holidays in school and why? Be sure to give a specific reason, and back up your reasoning. Why or why not celebrate holidays and if you choose to celebrate, which ones would you celebrate and be specific about how you would choose to celebrate these with […]

which ones would you celebrate and be specific about how you would choose to celebrate these with children.

Holidays How do you feel about celebrating holidays in school and why? Be sure to give a specific reason, and back up your reasoning. Why or why not celebrate holidays and if you choose to celebrate, which ones would you celebrate and be specific about how you would choose to celebrate these with children.