What are the functions of cell wall in plant cells?

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Choose the correct statement with respect to unicellular organisms: (a) in unicellular organisms, tissues work in co-ordination to perform different functions. (b) unicellular organisms do not require food. (c) unicellular organisms respire and reproduce. (d) all unicellular organisms move by cilia. Majority of cells cannot be seen directly with our naked eyes […]

Identify and explain a specific function of the cell membrane that you feel is the most important in achieving homeostasis.

D3b Consider cell structure and functions, and the organization and function of the human body. When viewed together, this implies the functions of the human body are dependent upon cellular activity. Explain why this would be correct. An important cellular structure is the cell (plasma) membrane. Identify and explain a specific function of the cell […]

Discuss the role of different ion concentrations on two sides of the membrane, semi-permeability of the membrane, the role of diffusion-electrical charge interactions.

Brain and Behavior Explain how electrical potential is generated across cell membrane. Discuss the role of different ion concentrations on two sides of the membrane, semi-permeability of the membrane, the role of diffusion and electrical charge interactions.

Which of the following statements CORRECTLYdescribesthe necessity for drug absorption in the intestine?A)The solubility of the drug molecule in the cell membrane plays the only role.B)The drug molecules should be first soluble in water and also in the cell membrane.C)The drug molecule should be soluble only in water.D)There should be a solute transporter in the intestine, particularly for the drug.E)The first pass metabolism affects the drug absorption in the intestine

1.Refer to Figure 1 below. What is represented by the line between points F and G on the phase diagram?A)the boiling point of the substance as it varies withpressureB)the melting point of the substance as it varies withpressureC)the formation of an azeotropicmixtureD)the formation of a eutecticmixtureE)the critical point as it varies withpressurepressuretemperatureFigure 1. A temperature-pressure […]