Analyze and discuss three international factors you think would affect the cost of the products made at the companies you selected and why.

Unit 4 Accounting Project International versus U.S. Accounting Standards For this assignment, you will research and compare international and U.S. accounting standards. This will enable you to see how the different reporting methods affect business and how product costs are affected by international business. The learning objectives of this report are as follows: Compare and […]

What services does the company provide and under what circumstances.

Look at a warranty for an iPod, a cell phone, or computer. Consider the following questions: Identify the parties to the warranty. Is it covered by the UCC? What are the implied warranties? What are the express warranties? What services does the company provide and under what circumstances. Do you think the consumer is properly […]

Describe the item and where it was made-What is the history of the object?

Topic: Cell Phone Go to chapter 2 Essentials of Cultural Anthropology: A tool kit for global age third edition Kenneth J Guest d (Ebook available at Post a description of an object /artifact and, if possible, a photo, of the object. Describe the object’s history on our online discussion board. Describe the item and […]

.Discuss the benefits of using a cell phone as an educational learning tool.What are three changes you would like for your parliamentarian representative to implement in yourconstituency?

1. Followthe instructions for each section carefully.2. Develop and Write your Test in the spaces provided on this paper.3. Remember to save your paper and email it to A dictionary or thesaurus may not be used.CONTINUOUS WRITINGChoose one of the following topics and write a three-paragraph essay. 1.Write a story ending with the words: […]