What public health threat has been identified by scientists that have studied the environment (water and air especially) in the e-waste dump in China?

Cell phones, computers, tablets and other electronics have become a ubiquitous part of our lives. In many households, you can find multiple electronic devices. After a while, these devices become outdated. Have you ever wondered what happens to them once we no longer need them? Watch the report about E-Waste conducted by a 60 Minutes […]

explored the processes used to create these tools that molded modern culture into what it is today.

Topic: Unit 2 Assessment – Amendments and Personal Liberty In Unit 2, you learned about specific government artifacts, including the Constitution, the amendments to the Constitution, Acts of Congress, and Executive Orders. You also explored the processes used to create these tools that molded modern culture into what it is today. While these artifacts may […]

Write debate about the use of cell phones by adolescents is currently a great concern among teachers, parents, and different experts due to its various consequences in their academic, social, and health life.

Harmful Cell Phone Use by Teenagers The debate about the use of cell phones by adolescents is currently a great concern among teachers, parents, and different experts due to its various consequences in their academic, social, and health life.

Should restrictions be placed on the use of cell phones in locations such as restaurants-theaters?

Does Religion Cause War? Select from the topics below. While not all statements are in the form of a question, you can use the stem to pick a side. Pick ONE side and argument for the side that you have chosen. What can we do to help with domestic violence? Is the Internet dangerous? Should […]