What’s in common and what are the differences among different parts of the EM spectrum?

Does wifi, cellphone or microwave radiation affect our health? and Why? Along with this document, there are 5 research papers included in the Final Project folder on Blackboard that you are required to read and refer to when writing your own research paper. More specifically, these 5 research papers should serve the following purposes as […]

Which part do wifi, cellphone, or microwave radiation belong to? Are they harmful to human body-If yes, what makes them harmful-If no,explain.

Along with this document, there are 5 research papers included in the Final Project folder on Blackboard that you are required to read and refer to when writing your own research paper. More specifically, these 5 research papers should serve the following purposes as you prepare, draft and edit your final research paper: As your […]

Explain,How is the Cellphone can develop and has benefit to people and society by virtual reality?

My supervisor asked me to choose one of these devices and systems which are written below, I chose (the Cellphone). Then the supervisor asked me to write an essay about it.. His question says : Convince the supervisor to buy this device,… why did I choose the Cellphone? What is distinguished in it from other […]