State the 5 postulates of kinetic molecular theory that are used to explain the properties of ideal gasses?

Ideal Gas Law Assignment Show all calculations including unit conversions. State the 5 postulates of kinetic molecular theory that are used to explain the properties of ideal gasses? (5 marks) Which of the postulates apply to real gases? (1 mark) Calculate the pressure in bars, which 15.00 grams of hydrogen gas (H2) would exert on […]

What is the Paris Agreement and which countries were involved?

W7 Assignment 1: Carbon Emissions and Climate Change Paper Purpose: This assignment will give you practice in background information and fact-checking with a focus on biodiversity and climate threats. Further, since science cannot tell us what to do, we will form our own opinions based on the information we find. Write a 500-1000 page paper […]

Why does the height of the tropopause vary by latitude and throughout the year?

Ch3 Lab – Layers of the Atmosphere Create a chart (Word table) showing all the listed atmospheric layers. Include in the chart, the altitude range in kilometers, temperature range in Celsius and gases present in each layer. In an additional column, specifically list what you might find in each layer. Your chart should have 5 […]