How does the electronic environment impact one’s personal security?

Digital Footprint In the news we are constantly hearing about security breaches, invasion of personal privacy, and the increasing prevalence of our digital footprint. The increased availability of digital information presents concerns and challenges of privacy, accuracy, intellectual property rights, security, and censorship. As a global citizen, you need to be aware of these issues […]

Describe and provide overview of philosophers and explain their ethics as discussed in

Major Project help Consider: Freedom of Speech, Intellectual Property, Social Media and the Law, Ethics, Media, and Worldviews. We will look at “Big Tech” How is it impacting our society? What is right and Wrong? When will there be more regulation on Censorship? Where is government. What will bring us together to solve issues with […]

What happens when the media becomes gatekeepers of information?

Book censorship communication When, if ever, is book censorship justified? Use examples to explain and defend your answer. Make sure you read Chapter 3 “Books” especially “Controversies” before answering. Read up on the recent Dr. Seuss books that were banned. How do you feel about that? Was it a good idea or not? Explain your […]

What are some of the effects of e-books on the general population?

Part one Books and Censorship. Read up on the recent Dr. Seuss books that were banned. How do you feel about that? Was it a good idea or not? Explain your reasoning. What are some of the effects of e-books on the general population? What type of reader are you? What effect has your reading […]

Write an essay supporting or opposing whether violence in the media has negative effects on young adults.

Media Violence A frequently debated issue is whether or not violence in the media including video games, movies, songs, etc. has negative effects on young adults. Some people believe that there is a need for censorship and the elimination of many products while others believe it is unnecessary to ban potentially violent media and media […]

How these ideas help you engage with the banning of this text and writer?

GRIMMS, LAWRENCE AND BLUME Stories in this unit, exhibit women in a position of power, who use the power of their sexuality or overcome an oppressive sexist situation, or just to free themselves and learn about themselves. They were banned because they reject the strict conservative view of sexuality and femininity. FIRST: Introduce each writer […]

How will you react to the censorship of books-Write a 3-page reflection/conclusion that brings this topic of Freedoms of Speech and Censorship to the present time.

Alter, Hudson, Thanh Nguyen Final reflection, make sure to address your own personal conclusion. How will you react to the censorship of books? Write a 3-page reflection/conclusion that brings this topic of Freedoms of Speech and Censorship to the present time.

How can we eliminate the impact of systemic racism from policing practices in the US?

Should there be greater or lesser restrictions on people’s rights to purchase and carry weapons? GUN CONTROL 2nd AMENDMENT Some examples of current rights questions.1st Amendment Should social media corporations have the power to use political censorship?Should companies be allowed to deny employees insurance coverage forreproductive health on the basis of religion?Should the policing of […]

What are your views on the censorship of this and other health-related questions-Is the First Amendment relevant in this connection?

Work of Dr. David Martin and the influence of Bill Gates. 1. First three paragraphs MUST be at least EIGHT sentences each in length (can be longer, can have additional paragraphs; this length is minimum and quite acceptable requirement. 2. You must list at least three specific points the video clip or reading shows that […]