Analyze financial factors or environmental factors for this assignment by going to the People/Group button on the left-hand side menu and self-selecting into a group

Government Budgeting and Finance Using one set of the factors (environmental or financial ) used to determine financial solvency as discussed in Table 7.1 of this chapter, analyze the financial condition of Jacksonville. Your analysis should focus on the condition of the city not an agency within the city. Your trend analysis must use as […]

What are the leading causes of illness and death in your community?-List three health problems in this community that should be of concern to the nurse

Health status of the community Community Assessment-Part III: 5 Points Overview: This assignment builds on qualitative information obtain through the windshield survey and key informant reports regarding the community. Quantitative data will be obtained including incidence and prevalence rates along with morality and morbidity rates to determine the health status of the community. Objectives: After […]