What is the drawback of Nestle’s previous CEO’s focus on long-term growth? What is the trade-off implicitly suggested here?Explain.

A New CEO was recently appointed to run the legendary Nestle company. The new CEO is the” first outsider appointed to run the company and he used to run a healthcare firm before joining Nestle and has no experience with the food industry. Meanwhile, the new appointment came at a time when the company is […]

Suggest what strategy has the CEO adopt to end the conflict among the board members and reach a final decision.

Assume that a car manufacturing corporation exports to 52 countries. The corporation has branches in fourteen countries and decides to establish their fifteenth branch in a specific country. The management board are in conflict as half of the members are with the idea and the other half are against it due to the global economic […]

Describe how the quantitative analysis approach can be applied to this situation; BAT’s profit formula results; BAT’s break-even point

Description Imagine you are a business analytics employee at BAT Car Company. The president and CEO of BAT have tasked you with providing them with a data plan addressing expansion of BAT’s production business into Frankfurt, Germany, on a $4 million Model Z plant. All economic and environmental impact studies have been approved. The size […]

Determine and access resources and systems to manage financial management processes within the work team

You will meet the CEO (your trainer/assessor). Present information about financial issues and requirements to a range of audiences using structure and language to suit the audience. Use active listening and questioning to clarify information and to confirm understanding. The role-play and presentation should take approximately 10 – 15 minutes Prior to the presentation, you […]

Analyze a case of CEO succession and its impact on an organization. Find a publicly held firm that has changed CEOs within the last 24 months. Include why the CEO left, whether the new CEO came from within or outside of the organization, and compare and contrast them. Describe any major strategic changes, internally or externally, that have occurred in the organization since the change – new structures, acquisitions, divestitures, closed down product lines, new markets, etc.

Description Analyze a case of CEO succession and its impact on an organization. Find a publicly held firm that has changed CEOs within the last 24 months. Include why the CEO left, whether the new CEO came from within or outside of the organization, and compare and contrast them. Describe any major strategic changes, internally […]

Evaluate ethical decision making models and associated parameters applicable to the recommended policy.

Imagine that the CEO of an organization has asked the human resources department to review the company’s policies. You, personally, have been asked to propose a policy that the organization can implement to address an ethical issue you have identified. You may use the organization and issue you have used in the other course assessments. […]

Discuss what is the company about? how big is the company, where is it located, market cap , who is pepsi, their competitor, history about them, The 4P, the stock prices, channel of distribution, speak about the CEO Letter to shareholder

there is to be: intro, what is the company about? how big is the company, where is it located, market cap , who is pepsi, their competitor, history about them, The 4P, the stock prices, channel of distribution, speak about the CEO Letter to shareholder, two business challenges involving the company, recommendaTA told me “Clarity […]

Would you prefer building the website through the free templates or have a paid professional design it? Explain.

For this assignment, please refer to the PowerPoint here Assume that you are the CEO of a company with $300,000 in annual revenue. The company is planning to start add e-commerce to its business. 1. Would you choose to host the web server in-house? Why or why not? 2. Would you prefer building the website […]

Discuss motivation(s) of the CEO’s engagement in earnings manipulations based on ‘Agency relationship‘

Description The maximum page for the assignment is 2 pages (12 point, double-space). To answer the questions, you will need to take lectures for Chapter 10 and watch the full video. Video: Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) 1. The CEO of Enron was responsible for the Enron’s scandal. Discuss motivation(s) of the […]

If you were CEO would you recommend your company invest,divest,or stay the course in your industry segment?Why?

Part1:(Introduction)PleaseIdentifythenameofyourcompanyandwhatit’sNAICSandSICcodeis.Thisidentifiesthesegmentoftheindustrytheycompetein,iftheycompeteinmorethanonesegmentidentifytheirlargestsegment.Whoaretheirtwochiefcompetitors?Part2:Create2graphs(IncludeundertheIntroductionparagraphofyourpaper)•Graph1:PlotthechangeinthepercentofGDPintheUS,thechangeinsalesgrowthoftheoverallindustry,thechangeinsalesforyourcompanyanditstwochiefcompetitors.Dothisfortheyears2016through2019.•Graph2:Plottheoverallgrowthinprofitsforyourindustry,yourcompany,anditstwochiefcompetitorsfortheyears2016-2019•Basedonyourdatagivemeyourassessmentoftheindustryandyourcompanyprecovid-19.Part3:Performa5Forces(Porter)analysisofyourindustry.Thissuggestwhythecurrentlevelofoverallindustryprofitsarehigh,medium,orlow.Scholarshavesuggestedcomplimentaryproductsandgovernmentregulationsshouldalsobeconsidered.Whatisyourassessmentofhowthesetwofactorshaveaffectedthecurrentprofitsofyourindustry? Part4:PerformaPESTELanalysisonyourindustry.Whichfactorsdoyouthinkwillhaveanimpactonyourindustrysegment?Why?Whatimpactdoyouforeseeforfutureprofits?Part5:IfyouwereCEOwouldyourecommendyourcompanyinvest,divest,orstaythecourseinyourindustrysegment?Why? Part6:READthecompaniesmissionandvisionstatement,readthelettertotheshareholdersfromtheCEOfortheyear2016-2019.Whatisyourtakeawayforthecompany’sstrategyandproblemsinachievingit?BlackSwanevents,likeCovid-19,areunforeseeableeventsthathasadevastatingimpact.Whatimpactdoyouthink,Covid-19willhaveonyourcompany’sMission,Vision,orabilitytoachievethem.Part7:If you were CEO would you recommend your company invest,divest,or stay the course in your industry segment?Why? Part8:Analyzingjustyourcompany,howwellisitdoingbyaccounting,marketing,management,HRMcriteria?Supportyourconclusionswithdata. Part9:PerformaS.W.O.T.analysisonyourcompanyanditschiefcompetitors.Whatconclusionsdoyoudraw? Part10:Assessthecompany’scompetitivestrengths.Whataretheircorecapabilities?Whichofthecompany’sresourcesarevaluableinprovidingadistinctivecompetency(i.e.betterthanitscompetitors)?Whichofthecompany’sassetsandresources,bothtangibleandintangible,arevaluable,rare,non-imitable,ornon-substitutable? Part11:Identifythestrategicissueswhichyourcompanyneedstoaddress?(Ex:changethemission,raiseorlowertheobjectives,changeorimproveitsstrategy)Why? Part12:(Conclusion)Whatchoicesoroptionsdoesthecompanyhave?Whatshouldtheydotobuildasustainablecompetitiveadvantage