Give a brief description of the function of each of the areas drawn above.

Understanding the nervous system Unit 2: Assignment 1 – Understanding the nervous system Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Remember that this is a resource for you to study as much or more than it is an assignment to turn in for points. Assignments will be graded on completion. Draw a […]

How might each of the following parts of the brain be active while we drive a car? Cerebellum, Corpus Callosum, Reticular Formation, Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Occipital Lobe

Topic: Neuroscience and Biological Foundations Paper details: Must post first. How might each of the following parts of the brain be active while we drive a car? Cerebellum Corpus Callosum Reticular Formation Hypothalamus Amygdala Occipital Lobe Present your discussion in one page. Be imaginative, creative, factual in this substantive post. You are suppose to demonstrate […]