Critically analyse relevant developmental theories and research, and apply this knowledge to suggest ways to manage developmental challenges as highlighted in your chosen case study.

There are two parts to this assignment; a critical essay (weighing 80%) and reflection (weighting 20%). You must choose ONE case study from the two provided below (in the next section). Critical essay: You are required to critically analyse relevant developmental theories and research, and apply this knowledge to suggest ways to manage developmental challenges […]

Explain the pressing challenges faced by the creative industries today and the potential solutions or recommendations to help alleviate and overcome those challenges.

hi this is an essay about the pressing challenges faced by the creative industries today and the potential solutions or recommendations to help alleviate and overcome those challenges.

Discuss What will it take to overcome or succeed in regards to these challenges? As a registered California voter, what can you do to make a difference in that challenge?

Description What is the most difficult challenge facing California in the next 10 years? (economy, infrastructure, gun rights/laws, terrorism, immigration/sanctuary cities, education, climate change, etc.) What will it take to overcome or succeed in regards to these challenges? As a registered California voter, what can you do to make a difference in that challenge?

Explain your own view on recent challenges and the impact that they have on the different process steps. What are potential solutions? Finally, you should

Description start with a definition of strategic sourcing and operative procurement and a concise description of the related steps and tasks. It is recommended to follow one of the process models that have been discussed during the lectures. In the next section you should develop and explain your own view on recent challenges and the […]

What core competences make your organization unique or different from other organizations? What are the sources of the core competences? How difficult do you think it would be for other organizations to imitate these distinctive competences?

Description This module attempts to get at some of the basic operating principles that your organization uses to perform its tasks. From the information you have been able to obtain, describe the aspects of your organization’s structure in the assignment below. Assignment 1. How differentiated is your organization? Is it simple or complex? List the […]