What do we learn about his character and personality over the course of the chapter? What type of person is he? What does he value? Do you see any of yourself in him?

This is the first time we’re meeting Trevor, and we first see him as a young child going (or, more precisely, being taken) to church. What do we learn about his character and personality over the course of the chapter? What type of person is he? What does he value? Do you see any of […]

Develop an argument that explains why your character of choice is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet (minimum of 2 reasons).Analyze how these reasons led to a theme (life lesson) for the reader

There are many possible characters to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Develop an argument that explains why your character of choice is to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet (minimum of 2 reasons). Then, analyze how these reasons led to a theme (life lesson) for the reader (3rd body paragraph). […]

Discuss in detail the character of Penelope in terms of what she may represent given the patriarchal structure of Ancient Greefktce as epitomized by Athene.

Given all that we have discussed over the course of the semester in regards to the role of women and patriarchy in the myths of Ancient Greece, it seems logical that we should end the semester in discussing the feminine as it empowers the male hero. In Homer’s Odyssey, we witness both the initial adventure […]

Argue that a character is a hero, that the gods play a major role, that the animal symbolism is significant, that the character’s harmatia is arrogance, that the women are treated as objects, that irony pervades the literary work, etc.

TOPIC: Select a literary work that we have read in this course, and select a point to argue or analyze. You may argue that a character is a hero, that the gods play a major role, that the animal symbolism is significant, that the character’s harmatia is arrogance, that the women are treated as objects, […]

​How might kindness, care, and empathy be essential parts ofbeing in the medical profession even if the official job description does notmention that? ​Do you think it is “preposterous” on its face to have a “rule” aboutbeing empathetic and having a good character?​​If we appeal only to rules andpolicies, is this a war on practical wisdom?Discuss

Answer Questions: ​How might kindness, care, and empathy be essential parts ofbeing in the medical profession even if the official job description does notmention that? ​Do you think it is “preposterous” on its face to have a “rule” aboutbeing empathetic and having a good character?​​If we appeal only to rules andpolicies, is this a war […]

Do you think that Huck experiences growth?Explain your answer using relevant quotes from the book.

One of the major debates about this novel is whether or not Huck grows as a character. Using examples from the novel, discuss your opinion on this. In other words, do you think that Huck experiences growth? You MUST explain your answer using relevant quotes from the book. (Don’t forget to cite your source(s). Your […]

How do literary features—including character, setting, plot, diction, imagery, and figurative devices—connect your specific passage to the play as a whole? How and why do Shakespeare’s literary decisions enhance the deeper meaning and dramatic impact of the passage?Discuss

(Conduct a close reading of a passage (~25–100 lines) from William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream that engages with the cycle theme of Animals, People, and Power. Construct an interpretive thesis about how this passage relates to a larger theme in the play and paraphrase specific textual evidence from the passage to support your claim. […]

Choose a literary work in which a character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, or longing. Show with clear evidence from the work how the character’s view of the past is used to develfktop a theme in the work.

A character’s attempt to recapture the past is important in many plays, novels, and poems. Choose a literary work in which a character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, or longing. Show with clear evidence from the work how the character’s view of the past is used to develfktop a theme in […]