What social commentary would he attempt to relate to his audience-What stories would those characters tell?

As stated in the Chaucer/Canterbury Tales PowerPoint, each character in The Canterbury Tales represents a different segment of society in Chaucer’s time. By noting the virtues and faults of each, Chaucer provides social commentary, writing that offers insight into society, its values, and its customs. His insights raise various questions regarding social class, spirituality, religion, […]

Consider the relationtionship between the beautiful and the good in Chaucer’s work OR 9. Can Chaucer be described as a moral writer?Discuss

Description Please choose either questions: 4. Consider the relationtionship between the beautiful and the good in Chaucer’s work OR 9. Can Chaucer be described as a moral writer? Also please choose between The Millers Tale, The Merchants Tale, or The Wife of Bath’s Tale to compare. (eg The Merchants Tale compared with The Wife of […]