Are there additional causal factors that were not identified in the ECF chart you created in the Unit IV assignment?

Barrier Analysis Worksheet Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link:OSH 4601, Accident Investigation 3 Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link: […]

What experiences have contributed toward your preparation for further study?

Statement of Purpose This is a statement of purpose in chemical engineering with a research interest in biotechnology. It should cover the topics including 1.How did you become interested in this field? 2.What experiences have contributed toward your preparation for further study? 3. What are your future goals? 4.What are your research interests? 5.How are […]

How does this information change how you view chemical dependency-treatment for addiction?

Chemical dependency watch youtube video Addicts Among Us (10/2019) PBS.After watching the film, answer the following questions (using full sentences, 1-2 pages total). Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) can have significant impact on development. Provide 2-3 examples of an ACE and how this can impact the children. What did you learn about the correlation between ACEs […]

What is the title of the person in charge of the Operations Section-What is the role of the Operations Section in this scenario?

Basic incident command center EOC . in short answers 3 to 5 sentences answer each scenario question? 1. A store employee at a small shopping mall discovers a package leaking a noxious smelling chemical in a storage room. No one is sure how long the box has been there, or how long it has been […]

What responsibility should employers have for ensuring that their employees maintain an appropriate work-life balance? Set out some practical steps that employers could take to improve work-life balance and ensure a sustainable workplace environment for employees.

Q1: Conduct some research on the Responsible Care programme of the chemical industry ( (20 marks) Explain the main details of the programme. To what extent is the programme illustrative of private regulation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of private regulation compared to imperative regulation for ensuring ethical conduct in the chemical industry? Would […]

Analyse the various ways the case was communicated to the public against the scientific communications published throughout the peer-reviewed literature.

Description 2000 words essay – look at the Seralini case study which starts with a controversial publication in Food and Chemical Toxicology (Séralini et al., 2012). After giving sufficient background to the scientific issues and arguments surrounding the case through a short literature review, the essay will analyse the various ways the case was communicated […]

Explain the problem surrounding the ammonia-making process in terms of chemical equilibrium.How can you change the chemical equilibrium to benefit the company? What benefits will be realized?

In any engineering design problem, the first step is to understand the problem and identify one or more possible solutions. In this task, you’ll analyze the problems you face as the chemical engineer challenged with setting up the ammonia-making process. Recall the chemical equation for producing ammonia: N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 + energy Part A Explain the problem surrounding […]

Do you think you could go a week without causing any chemical reactions? Explain

Description Chemical reactions constantly take place all around us—and even inside us. Many reactions occur naturally. But sometimes humans cause the reactions. Do you think you could go a week without causing any chemical reactions? Explain why or why not, providing examples where appropriate. Do not count reactions that take place inside your body.

Prepare and maintain a laboratory notebook, including a write-up of each experiment that details the purpose, chemical equations, calculation of theoretical yield, percent yield, and record of experimental observations.

Estimate the amount of aspirin in a solution. Synthesize aspirin and explain the mechanism. Use Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to obtain information such as molecular formula, physical properties, hazards, and disposal procedures for chemicals used in each experiment. Prepare and maintain a laboratory notebook, including a write-up of each experiment that details the purpose, […]

Identify the common organic compounds’ functional groups and determine the structure of an unknown compound using UV/Vis, IR, Mass, and NMR spectroscopes.

Description After completing this lab activity, you should be able to, 1. Carry out a research-based experiments and identify unknown organic compounds. 2. Identify the common organic compounds’ functional groups and determine the structure of an unknown compound using UV/Vis, IR, Mass, and NMR spectroscopes. 3. Use Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to obtain information […]