What happens with the concentration profiles in these cases?

Time dependatn diffusion A film of thickness L is filled with a mixture of chemicals A and B. In this mixture, a first order chemical reaction with the reaction constant k1 can occur. During this reaction, chemicals A are consumed. The chemicals are continuously delivered from one side of the film x=0, so that the […]

Identify the biased language in the following sentences, and then rewrite these examples so that they do not contain biased language.

Exercise 1: Identify the biased language in the following sentences, and then rewrite these examples so that they do not contain biased language. Mankind is developing technology that can fight against climate change. Each researcher designed his vision of what the drone should look like before sharing it with his team members. It can sometimes […]

What product did you choose-What chemicals did you choose?

Three chemicals found in the label of a product of your choice. Use this list of sources of information (for example Scorecard) to investigate three chemicals found in the label of a product of your choice. Answer the following: What product did you choose? What chemicals did you choose? Is there any data available for […]

What economic effects might this have? Compare-contrast your viewpoint against your peers-defend your argument.

Plastics and Toxic Substances Answer the following questions based on the readings for this module. Part A Should plastics that contain BPA or BPS be banned from use in all children’s products? Explain. Should such plastics be banned from use in the liners of canned food containers? Provide a detailed argument. Part B Workers in […]

Which section, which topics, stand out for you as being important for all pregnant women and families to know?include a quote to illustrate or provide detail on your topic.

Nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus The list of conditions, chemicals, nutritional factors and other things that can affect a prenatal fetus is long and lengthy, in Chapter 3. (1) Which section, which topics, stand out for you as being important for all pregnant women and families to know?include a […]

Write a 3-5 paragraph narrative of the incidents and the outcome of the resulting investigation. Describe how information has informed you concerning the safety of yourself and others concerning the handling of chemicals.

1. Watch the following video concerning safety in the classroom and academic laboratories. Write a 3-5 paragraph narrative of the incidents and the outcome of the resulting investigation. Describe how information has informed you concerning the safety of yourself and others concerning the handling of chemicals. o After the Rainbow (access a full-text transcript of […]

Write the condensed structural formula of a simple molecule with an ether, aldehyde, ketone, ester, or alcohol functional group for your peers to name (do not give away the answer!).

Initial Post Instructions The Discussions in this course are set up deepen your understanding of the material as you make real world connections and employ creative thinking. To get the most from these discussions, full engagement is expected on the part of the student. Be sure to stop by the discussion section frequently, not only […]

What differences in the retail environment may justify the fact that the fast-moving consumer goods supply chain in India has far more distributors than it has in the United States?

1. A specialty chemical company is considering expanding its operations into Brazil, where five companies dominate the consumption of specialty chemicals. What sort of distribution network should this company use? 2. What differences in the retail environment may justify the fact that the fast-moving consumer goods supply chain in India has far more distributors than […]

Discuss two factors the nurse may assess for that influence the total effect of the exposure?

Paper details: Environmental exposure and health risk Read the article from LIRN and choose Proquest: Woodruff, T. J., Burke, T. A., & Zeise, L. (2011). The need for better public health decisions on chemicals released into our environment. Health Affairs, 30 (5) 957-965. The harmful effects of exposure to an environmental toxin can vary dramatically […]

Describe the geography of the area:When did this occur? Is it ongoing?

Discuss the problem, being sure to include: Some background. Describe the geography of the area. Some history. When did this occur? Is it ongoing? Some background. Be sure to define any terms that are particular to your problem (like eutrophication) Some chemistry. What chemicals are involved? Include molecular formulas, reactions, and equations if applicable. Some […]