Identify at least one chemistry-related web resource that you found useful or at least entertaining.Explain what you like about your choice.

There are many chemistry informational web sites. Identify at least one chemistry-related web resource that you found useful or at least entertaining. You could pick one that you find helpful in studying, e.g., a tutorial. You could pick one with beautiful images. You could pick one that is silly. Explain what you like about your […]

Examine the experiment and answer a two pages questions and perform the calculations. also, some other info is given for the calculation in the JPG file.

It is a Chemistry Lab experiment. you have to read the the provided pdf to examine the experiment and answer a two pages questions and perform the calculations. also, some other info is given for the calculation in the JPG file. all you need to do is to read the pdf and do the Lab […]

How would you explain the term “strong acid” to someone who is not familiar with chemistry? How would you explain it to someone who is familiar with chemistry but just forgot what that term means?

    How would you explain the term “strong acid” to someone who is not familiar with chemistry? How would you explain it to someone who is familiar with chemistry but just forgot what that term means?

Acid chlorides (R-COOCl) are a functional group that can be synthesized from a carboxylic acid, and are very useful as “building blocks” for a wide variety of reactions. They react with Grignard reagents in a 2:1 ratio of Grignard:acid chloride. Predict the major organic product of the following reaction and show the mechanism for how it is formed

. If a student performing lab 5 accidently used acetone as the reaction solvent instead of diethyl ether, what would the major organic product(s) be? Draw the structure of the product(s) using chemical drawing software as part of your answer and explain why it is formed (no mechanism necessary). 2. What was the purpose of […]

Describe the relationship between chromosomes and DNA.

Choose a genetic disorder that can be inherited from a parent. Write a paper on SICKLE CELL ANEMIA. Include the following in your paper: Summarize the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and how chromosomal abnormalities can lead to genetic disorders. Describe the relationship between chromosomes and DNA. Identify an example of a genetic disorder and describe […]

What is the purpose of genetically engineering of crop plants?

recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems make observations and discriminate between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations weigh evidence and make decisions based on strengths and limitations of scientific knowledge and the scientific method use knowledge of biological principles, the scientific method, and appropriate technologies to ask relevant questions, develop hypotheses, […]