What concerns do you have about this man’s response to his oral chemotherapy and why?

Discussion Topic Care of a Patient with Cancer A 70-year-old was diagnosed with colon cancer 3 years ago. At that time he underwent IV combination chemotherapy. He responded to the chemotherapy regimen until about 6 months ago when his colon cancer returned. His oncologist has now prescribed oral chemotherapy, which has been effective for some […]

What should be recommended to Kathleen as the next steps based on these results?

Kathleen is a 49-year-old woman who recently had breast cancer. She previously had a lumpectomy and completed chemotherapy. She is currently in remission and beginning to feel stronger, so she wants to begin an exercise program. She heard that exercise could improve her prognosis. The rest of her health is very good. Based on her […]

What are electrolyte reservoirs-What electrolytes are found stored in bones?

Online final exam 16.Review signs and symptoms of acute kidney injury (AKI). Review causes of AKI including prerenal, intrinsic, and postrenal. Know examples of each type of injury. Prerenal injury is anything that impacts blood flow to the kidney. Examples of causes of damage due to prerenal injury is hypotension, hypovolemia, heart failure, renal artery […]

How would you determine that informed consent had been given for the MRI-the medications needed for sedation for the test?

You be the Judge Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 8 (Guido, p.133) which begins, “The patient was hospitalized for extreme low back pain…” • Was there informed consent for the initial medications given to the patient? • How would you determine that informed consent had been given for the MRI […]

What are the special considerations the nurse should take when implementing the nursing process and providing care?

Invasive ductal carcinoma M.J is a 65-year old female, who discovered a lump on her right breast during self-examination. She scheduled an appointment with her doctor. After diagnostic testing of a mammogram and a biopsy, she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). She then proceeded to have a lumpectomy where a 4cm lump and […]

What is your impression regarding this scenario? What are some concerns you have with this case and what do you anticipate would happen? Support your answer.

Instructions Appendix C – Mrs. Thomas Ticket to class: Place in drop box prior to the start of class No single word responses (at least 100+ words in each response) Give the questions some thought and answer honestly Give examples if you have them Cite resources Number your answers to correspond with the question Worth […]

Discuss.What is your impression regarding this scenario? What are some concerns you have with this case and what do you anticipate would happen? Support your answer.

Assignment Information Instructions Appendix C – Mrs. Thomas Ticket to class: Place in drop box prior to the start of class No single word responses (at least 100+ words in each response) Give the questions some thought and answer honestly Give examples if you have them Cite resources Number your answers to correspond with the […]