Why should the community be concerned about minimizing adverse childhood experiences?

Adverse Childhood Experiences Prior to starting this discussion, explore Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), then read Take the ACE Quiz and Learn What It Does and Does Not Mean webpage article. Then complete the 10-question adverse childhood experience (ACE) questionnaire Finding Your ACE Score for the client you selected in the Week 1 Choose Your Client […]

Do you think restorative justice approach would be affective in addressing the issue of school-to-prison pipeline-Why or why not?

Middle Childhood Supplementary In order to complete this assignment: Review the news article published in 2015 using the link below https://www.vox.com/2015/2/24/8101289/school-discipline-race 2- Review the attached scholarly journal article published in 2021 which provides a relatively more comprehensive review of studies on school-to-prison pipeline and the implementation of restorative justice approach to address this issue. Based […]

Explain Application of an inquiry pedagogically based early year’s science learning episode

Science in Early Childhood Assessment 1 – Professional Plan: Details & Templates Overview Task description Assessment task 1 requires you to plan for and implement an individual micro-teaching episode, collegial feedback, based on a lesson/leaming expenence plan that will be presented face to face in tutonals for internal students and online via a zoom recording […]

What are key developmental times in your life and the influencing factors that led to who you are today?

Benchmark Paper: Developmental Analysis Assignment Instructions Overview The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of human growth and development. You will discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this […]

What is the difference in open and closed adoption and what are the potential outcomes or benefits of each?

CP DB Wk 1 Adoption has become a more prevalent and supported method of beginning or continuing a family unit in our society. After reading pages 60-63 in your textbook and conducting your own research, answer the following questions regarding adoption and the emotional impact on the adopted child and family. What is the impact […]

What did you learn about the teacher’s use of assessment from this interview?

Teacher Assessment Interview Identify an early childhood teacher you can interview and ask them the questions listed below. As you are interviewing, take detailed notes. Interview Questions to Use: 1) What is the purpose of assessment? 2) What is your program’s philosophy with respect to assessment? 3) What types of formal assessments do you use, […]