Do’s and Don’ts,Explain the negative impact it can have on the child if these steps are not part of the educators everyday work ethic. Please be specific and spill your passion on this.

The paper has been written however some changes need to be made. 1. Change non-white to children of colour. Eerywhere, the term non-white is offensive. it should be Children of Colour. 2. I will upload a pdf of the rule that needs to be applies, the Literature Review is now being used as a method […]

Discuss Based on at least three readings in The Roar of the Tiger Mom,” write a persuasive paper in which you take the position that (1 The “Tiger Morn” parenting style is more likely than the Western parenting style to produce happy children who grow up to be happy, productive adults or (2 The Western parenting style is more likely than the “Tiger Mom” parenting style to produce happy children who grow up to be happy, productive adults.

Essay 2 – Based on at least three readings in The Roar of the Tiger Mom,” write a persuasive paper in which you take the position that (1 The “Tiger Morn” parenting style is more likely than the Western parenting style to produce happy children who grow up to be happy, productive adults or (2 […]

Discuss the role of self-awareness in helping children to grow in their cognitive development abilities.

Define the Piaget and Vygotsky theories of cognitive development and discuss three factors that can affect the cognitive abilities of children. Discuss the role of self-awareness in helping children to grow in their cognitive development abilities. Identify three ways that the presence of child abuse or neglect can affect a child’s normal cognitive development.

What is important in the practice of pediatric nursing and the philosophy behind the care of children? Include your values, beliefs, and assumptions about nursing as science and art?

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a nursing philosophy paper which should clearly reflect your personal philosophy of nursing. The paper should include the identification and examination of your own perspective (definition) of nursing’s metaparadigm of nursing, person, health and environment, as well as the identification of other concepts that you believe should […]

Discuss,Does parents of children with exceptional needs such as intellectual disability, feel about their child, do they have positive experiences or are they just coping?

Topic: Does parents of children with exceptional needs such as intellectual disability, feel about their child, do they have positive experiences or are they just coping? The articles presented are consistent with the research topic and at least two of them were published within the last five years. The annotations include key components indicated in […]

What do preschoolers understand about emotion?,How do cognition and social experiences contribute to their understanding?

Promoting Emotional Growth Emotional growth is a critical development area for children. • What do preschoolers understand about emotion? • How do cognition and social experiences contribute to their understanding? • How can parents/caregivers and early childhood educators promote development in these areas? *Discussions: Instructions Your original post MUST include information from a professional, scholarly […]

What is it about this position and Children’s Hospital that is of interest to you?

Name: Pre Screen Questionnaire: How did you hear about the position? What is it about this position and Children’s Hospital that is of interest to you? Tell me about your work experience, focusing on the aspects of the job that has helped to prepare you for this opportunity? Describe a stressful work situation- Working with […]

When child maltreatment is suspected, should children be allowed to remain in their own home? How much risk of child maltreatment is too much risk? What effect does it have on children to be removed from their home?

SOCIAL WORK course -350 words, 3 scholarly sources TOPIC – ***When child maltreatment is suspected, should children be allowed to remain in their own home? How much risk of child maltreatment is too much risk? What effect does it have on children to be removed from their home?