What happens when a country allows trade and becomes an exporter of a good?

Answers to multiple choice questions are to be done on the answer sheet. Choose the correct answer in each case. 1) What happens when a country allows trade and becomes an exporter of a good? Domestic producers gain, and domestic consumers lose. Domestic producers lose, and domestic consumers gain. Domestic producers and domestic consumers both […]

What union advice would you give someone about to open a new factory in China?

Human Resources and Internal Mergers Information For Paper: It is next to impossible to dispute the fact that China has grown to become the largest manufacturing center in the world today. China’s secret and perhaps its key to success is its vast army of available and compliant workers who are ready and willing to work […]

Assess and discuss the reasons for, and impact of, the Mongol victory over China, Was it “simply” a matter of better military effectiveness, or were societal, economic and related attitudinal elements also influential , if not deteminative?

Writing Assignment II Module IV Write an essay that answers the following question. Include a heading on the essay that contains your name, name of assignment, & date. Use 14 font 1 ½ ” margins. Any sources other than those provided in class require a footnote (not parenthetical). Submit here. 1.Assess and discuss the reasons […]

Explain the importance of researching the culture of a potential global market prior to market entry, as well as key cultural considerations to explore to inform expansion decisions.

Overview Over the past two modules, you have explored the fundamentals of global business, such as key drivers for expansion of domestic business and cultural considerations. In this milestone, you will complete the first part of your course project by explaining what you have learned about global business thus far. Scenario You are a business […]

what challenges would you expect to face-How would you prepare?

Watch the short video in the following link and answer the questions that follows: Ethics and Social Responsibility Google’s China Problem (and China’s Google Problem) https://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/23/magazine/google… 12.3 Test your Knowledge (Question): If you were planning to do business in a culture that was opposite from your own on the cultural dimensions of “power distance” and […]

What does instructional time break down in U.S. classrooms look like for you? 

Stigler and Stevenson Research Article Respond to each question.  Minimum 2 paragraphs with details for each prompt. use the attached article to answer the following questions. No other references needed. What was your classroom experience like in elementary school? What does instructional time break down in U.S. classrooms look like for you? What are the […]

How much potash would actually be sold if the price is $360 per tonne?

Problem 1: (10 points) The following events occur one at a time. The price of crude oil rises. The price of a car rises. iii. All speed limits on highways are abolished. Robots cut car production costs. Explain the effect of each of these events on the market for gasoline (the equilibrium price and the […]

Explain why this is and implore model such as solow and any other you may think is necessary

For this question apply solow growth model. China’s ambition towards becoming a developed country in the next decade is threatened by an aging population, high debt levels, slowing down in productivity growth thus the goal of achieving annual growth of 4% need to reach it’s ambitious goal, as suggested by studies is impossible as it […]

What do Bloom and Williamson (1998) suggest will happen to the ratio of the working-age to non-working-age population throughout the demographic transition?

Information Economics In your essay, clearly explain your hypothesis regarding how demography and GDP per capita are related. Describe the demographic changes over time in China and India in the birth rate and the death rate. When did the ratio of the working-age population to the non-working-age population peak? Compare the two countries to each […]

What was going on at the time that may have perhaps influenced and allowed for these changes?

Why was philosophy and poetry important to artists and patrons in Song Dynasty, China, and Mughal India? How did the concept of the artist change over time? What was going on at the time that may have perhaps influenced and allowed for these changes? 6.2 [Discussion] Benefits and Burdens What kinds of benefits and burdens […]