Discuss how the Eastern market will potentially view new hire orientation, and then discuss two to three ways to tailor the new hire orientation to this market.

Unit 5 T & D Scholar Activity Cultural Considerations in Learning and Development You are currently the head trainer of a global U.S. automobile manufacturer. The organization has decided to expand its operations into the Eastern market such as China, Japan, and Singapore. The vice president of human resources has asked that you create a […]

Discuss the legal and regulatory considerations in your selected market that can impact business decisions regarding expansion to new global markets. You should also consider corporate social responsibility for each market consideration.

Market Profile and Market Considerations Selected market: China Domestic market: United States Market Profile: Explore and explain the cultural, political, and economic environment of your selected market to help inform future business decisions regarding expansion from the domestic market. -Cultural Profile: Compare and contrast important cultural elements of your selected market against those in the […]

How did World War I lead to social and political change, particularly within Europe-What were some long-term consequences of these changes?

Questions: 1. Identify and describe at least TWO examples of decolonization that took place after World War II. Who controlled these former colonies, and when did they become independent nations? Were there any political or military struggles that took place before or after their independence? 2. Identify at least TWO consequences of World War I […]

Identify the various cultures, races or ethnicities that have been forced together, and describe the terrorist activities that occur in that region.

Assignment discussion HEM350h.1: Research a country or region that has experienced recent endemic-based terrorism. Identify the various cultures, races or ethnicities that have been forced together, and describe the terrorist activities that occur in that region. What do you believe to be the main issues and ideologies underlying this conflict? Using Africa and China experiencing […]

Did the article ask the right question in the first place-How does it fit with other articles on the same topic-Did it miss any important studies it should have considered?

Article review ,, Will Trump make China great again” Contents of the review In writing up your review, you will need to include the following: Summary of the article you are critiquing: this shows you understood it. Provide a brief overview of what the article was trying to do (i.e., the problem), methods, if relevant, […]

Explain the role of government in solving problems that arise from different economic systems.

China’s Global Economic Impact China offers an interesting picture of a political and business environment. Its economic presence heavily depends on manufacturing and its inexpensive labor resources. As a result, this dependence has led to over-investment and overcapacity in certain industry segments such as oil, steel and cement. Also, China’s socialist banking tactic has complicated […]

How would you advise a potential foreign corporation to manage the intricacies (complexities and risks) of China’s political-legal environment?

Case Studies: China, Big Opportunities, Complicated Risks After reading and the attached case study titled “China Big Opportunities, Complicated Risks”, recommend a perspective a multinational corporation could use to make sense of the political situation in China, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. How would you advise a potential foreign corporation to manage the intricacies […]

What are CO2 emissions-how do they affect the environment Relate it to China-how China is loosing people due to CO2 emissions

What is a correlation between CO2 emissions and life expectancy in China? Focus on :Climate change energy production- photochemical smog What are CO2 emissions and how do they affect the environment Relate it to China and how China is loosing people due to CO2 emissions Add Control city in china Solution what could help at […]

Why is it an appropriate choice to talk about its impacts, biases-technological politics?

Project 1 video See the Project 1: Technology in the World – Full Description and Video Sharing & Permissions Tips before you begin. There are three things you need to do for this stage: Choose your topic. Create a short 3-5 minute video and share it through a cloud server in the discussion forum with […]

What big ideas-big technological changes do you see in the years ahead-Is change something we manage well-What happens when we resist change?

Social Change Chapter 20 deals with the issue of social change. Sociologists tell us that social change is created by a) new technologies and or b) new or shifting ideas or beliefs. Maybe it’s both, but we have to understand it is generally one or the other that leads the way. For example – from […]