How does the relationship between the government and people of China change over time? Aside from taxes, how do most people interact with officials? Is the Imperial institution generally becoming more powerful, less powerful or trading duties with other Chinese institutions and power centers?

How does the relationship between the government and people of China change over time? Aside from taxes, how do most people interact with officials? Is the Imperial institution generally becoming more powerful, less powerful or trading duties with other Chinese institutions and power centers? (Can only used the attached sources absolutely no other outside sources) […]

Which philosopher(Aristotle, Kant, or Mill) would agree with what China is doing and what reasons would they give to support this model?

On June 14, 2014, China’s State Council announced a plan to establish a social credit system, which would assign, “social credit score,” to citizens based on their behavior. A citizen’s social credit score goes up based on socially desirable actions like paying taxes on purchasing Chinese products; it declines if a person engages in behavior […]

What was Disney’s first venture overseas? What mistakes did they make? What did they learn? What were their plans for China? What have they done there? How would you describe their strategy–see the strategy chapter and use that for the basis of this answer. What are their future plans?

Globalization and Disney Here are the questions to write about for the Disney Assignment: MLA format, Works Cited page included. ( 5 sources) and 1100 words What was Disney’s first venture overseas? What mistakes did they make? What did they learn? What were their plans for China? What have they done there? How would you […]

Discuss Of the three main strategy options available to companies for entering international markets, which strategy should Netflix select to enter China?

Of the three main strategy options available to companies for entering international markets, which strategy should Netflix select to enter China? The three strategy options (Multidomestic, Global, and Transnational) are discussed on pages 141-144 in Chapter 7 of your text. Study the case carefully and understand these three strategies well and the other material in […]

Explain which system you think is better and more beneficial for juveniles, the United States or China.

Topic 1 Justice Systems Around the World Zhang, L. (Oct 2008). Juvenile delinquency and justice in contemporary China: A critical review of the literature over 15 years. Crime, Law and Social Change. 50(3), 149–160. Reading will be attached. Explain the elements of informal social control that are used in the Chinese justice system. Explain how the […]

Discuss,Is China an ascending world power? What options does the rest of the world have in trying to confront China’s growing influence in the international system?

Topic: Is China an ascending world power? What options does the rest of the world have in trying to confront China’s growing influence in the international system? Paper details: International Relations No conclusion needed, need to use realism, constructivism and liberalism to explain topic

Identify which percentageof the total exports,which percentage of the total imports, and which percentage of the total FDI receiveddoes China represent for the USA and vice versa.

BC0-221GLOBAL ECONOMICSFinal Exam& rubricsTask•This task has to be done individually•Answer the questions associated with one of the two report topics below.•Submit your answers in a pdf at the Turnitin section of week 8ReportTopic1: You work at the Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of China. The Ministry Director has requested that you prepare a policy note […]

Discuss,Do you think that despites such contradiction (coexistence of totalitarianism and rapid economic development), China will continue to rise faster and surpass the United States as the largest economy in the next few decades as some economists predict?

Do you think that disputes such contradiction (coexistence of totalitarianism and rapid economic development), China will continue to rise faster and surpass the United States as the largest economy in the next few decades as some economists predict?

Explain what this video and article on big data are about.

Please complete the following and then answer the accompanying discussion questions. (1) View the following video in Youtube: ” The Latest Innovations in Health and Fitness Technology” at (2) Read the article from Tuesday, April 28, 2020: “How China is attempting to prevent a second wave” at: Pay particular attention to the section on: […]