How would you describe the bacterium’s susceptibility to each antibiotic?

A specific bacterium was used in testing antibiotic effectiveness. The zone of inhibition measured 14 mm for each antibiotic. How would you describe the bacterium’s susceptibility to each antibiotic? Choose if each are sensitive, intermediate, or resistant. Ampicillin: Chloramphenicol: Erythromycin: Gentamicin: Streptomycin:    

What are pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)? Are they specific to a single type of cell?

Short answer 31. In lecture, we discussed 5 ways that antibodies interact with antigens to inhibit to destroy them. list the 5 ways antibodies interact with antigens and describe how each way works to inhibit or destroy the antigen they bind to. (Suggested word count: 50-150 words or less). 32. This question has two parts. […]