What do you think is the most challenging part in participating in this process?

As we consider the doctrine of salvation, the NT places emphasis upon the need to make Christ known. What do you think is the most challenging part in participating in this process? What kinds of opportunities might you have through your gifts, interests, and (anticipated) vocation to make Christ known? What role do you hope […]

What is the relationship between the early dating of New Testament documents and the dispelling of accusations that the resurrection story developed as a legend?

PAPER MUST BE WRITTEN FROM A BAPTIST CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON ALL TOPICS Each “essay set” assignment comprises a set of three distinct essay question prompts designed to stimulate the student’s thinking and assess the knowledge gleaned from the textbook reading. Each essay question should be answered with a 2 to 3 page double spaced essay, […]

Do you agree with the pacifist claim that taking up one’s cross and following Christ includes renouncing deadly violence? If not, how should we interpret the first three passages above? How can we reconcile Paul’s teachings in Romans 12 and 13? Are Christians allowed to serve in the military? Can they work for the government? If so, are they subject to a different set of rules, norms, and values than their non-Christian counterparts?Discuss

Do you agree with the pacifist claim that taking up one’s cross and following Christ includes renouncing deadly violence? If not, how should we interpret the first three passages above? How can we reconcile Paul’s teachings in Romans 12 and 13? Are Christians allowed to serve in the military? Can they work for the government? […]

Do you agree with the pacifist claim that taking up one’s cross and following Christ includes renouncing deadly violence? If not, how should we interpret the first three passages above? How can we reconcile Paul’s teachings in Romans 12 and 13? Are Christians allowed to serve in the military? Can they work for the government? If so, are they subject to a different set of rules, norms, and values than their non-Christian counterparts?Explain

Do you agree with the pacifist claim that taking up one’s cross and following Christ includes renouncing deadly violence? If not, how should we interpret the first three passages above? How can we reconcile Paul’s teachings in Romans 12 and 13? Are Christians allowed to serve in the military? Can they work for the government? […]

Explain how would you define a Biblical worldview;hat is the foundation/authority of a Biblical worldview?;how could a Liberty University student go about developing a stronger Biblical worldview outside of class during their college experience?

A brief introducation (25-50 words) that overviews the essay. Part 1/Paragraph 1 (75-100 words): In the Introduction and presentation, students should answer these questions: (a) how would you define a Biblical worldview; (b) what is the foundation/authority of a Biblical worldview?; and (c) how could a Liberty University student go about developing a stronger Biblical […]

Determine the author’s main point. In 1-2 paragraphs (100-400 words) explain what you think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember two things. First, this passage is made up of both action and dialogue. Thus, this passage is both showing and telling us something. Second, words like “I,” “We,” “Us, and “Our” are application words and not interpretation words. Interpretation is about “then and there” and not “here and now.” We were not there so the passage is not about us. Our “part” in the passage is the application or how we will respond to God’s Word.

A. I have read Acts 8:26-39 in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB) and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in your myWSB Library. Yes No Having read the passage in both formal and […]

Discuss:How does what you have learned about God’s global purpose, in the last 8 weeks, change your perspective on current events and on what it means to follow Christ in our current global context?

What do you agree/disagree with in their post? Why? What examples have you seen of the concepts your classmate shared? What details would you add to the things they have shared? How can you expand the perspective given or provide a new perspective on the topic?) What evidence do we see in the Old Testament […]