What are your opinions of the internment of Japanese and Japanese Americans?

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiuRrsgMoME Answer all the following questions. Discuss the reasons why Enrique and Rosa left Guatemala. Describe the village lifestyle and how people live everyday. How did magazines and TV shows influence their view of the United States? What type work do most people do? Education? Gender roles for women in Guatemala? Describe the […]

How did urban and industrial slavery differ from plantation slavery in the Old South?

Module 2 Chapter Summary Assignment In your review, make sure you include a response to the following questions: ⦁ How did the domestic slave trade and the exploitation of black women by white males affect slave families? ⦁ How did urban and industrial slavery differ from plantation slavery in the Old South? ⦁ What impact […]

Discuss from your point of view some of the major challenges the religion of Islam faces today.

In the book Jesus and the Rise of Christianity, how fair of a trial/interrogation did Jesus receive? Has there been another case, trial, or hearing from your knowledge and experience that could compare with Jesus’ trial? Explain! We live in a world today that demands evidence, facts, and validity. From chapter 7 and 9 in […]

What similarities do you notice between the concepts of early Christianity Matthew ascribes to Jesus and those of the other cultures we’ve studied so far?

Early Chrisitanity 1. Read the Book of Matthew Sermon on the Mount pp. 801-818 + 821-824 + read, view, listen to or watch all the documents, links, and multi-media assets under Early Christianity. 2. Post to the Discussion Forum: What similarities do you notice between the concepts of early Christianity Matthew ascribes to Jesus and […]

Discuss from your point of view the factors that have caused this religion to become the most widespread and largest religion in the present world.

Name several instances of racism and/or discrimination among the Jews throughout history. Why do you think that Jews have experienced such harsh treatment, racism and physical and verbal abuse throughout history? Do Jews still experience discrimination, racism, and/or abuse today? Explain! Christianity has over 1.87 billion people in the world today. Discuss from your point […]

what concepts in this course have been most meaningful to you-What do you suggest would improve the course?

Discussion 4 Sociology of Gender The role of religion in gender status: What is the status of women in Judaism, Christianity and Islam? Do they allow for ordination or leadership roles? Based on your understanding of gender and religious socialization, how can women who are of faiths that restrict ordination and other leadership roles work […]

. Explain how the study of Hinduism differs from the study of the so-called “religions of the book” Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Hinduism boasts a rich and complex textual tradition. Explain how the study of Hinduism differs from the study of the so-called “religions of the book” Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. How should one approach and appreciate Hinduism?    

What do you see as the two or three major recurrent thematic concerns in African American literature?

Exam Essay Essay Prompt: What do you see as the two or three major recurrent thematic concerns in African American literature? How do these concerns evolve over time, and to what extent do other works of American literature share them? Based on your reading list, in what directions would you expect future American writers to […]