Explain how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, ride a bicycle, or fold a shirt.

In this module, you will be discussing strategies for effective writing. However, a better explanation would be strategies for effective communication. The process of communicating an idea can sometimes be more complicated than initially thought. For this discussion, take what you would consider a simple task and explain how to complete the task. For example, […]

Explain and support your current understanding of the origin of the universe, evolution, and the age of the earth, and whether or not your view can be reconciled with the message of the Bible and science.

Question Assessment Description In this assignment, you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live. After reflecting on chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, in a total of 750-1050-words, complete the “Origins” document to […]

Will you break them up into groups and have them read scripture?

You have been hired by your local church, synagogue, or mosque to put together a night of interfaith dialogue in your community. Although your community is quite diverse, including many people of all faiths and no faith, your employers want to keep this night to just three groups: Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Your very first […]

What is the nature of your response to change in the cultural space?

Directions: Select one question from below. 450-500 words Historically, people of one religion have been compelled to dominate and control the cultural space of another? [such as was the case with early Christians]. What is the nature of your response to change in the cultural space? Discuss a particular example you have experienced. Compare your […]

What manner should Christians approach these “imprecatory psalms-Do they in some way contradict the “turn the other cheek” ethic taught by Jesus in the

Discussion Imprecatory Psalms Discussion Assignment Instructions Respond to the following prompts in 250 words each. For prompt you must support your assertions with at least three (3) scholarly citations in current Turabian format. Each reply should also incorporate scholarly citations if appropriate to the context. The discussion centered on After reading Psalms 35, 109, and […]

Write a brief essay (at least 300 words) in which you compare the Byronic manner of facing guilt with what the Bible says about how Christians should deal with guilt.

Respond to Byron’s worldview In the lesson on Lord Byron, you learned that the Byronic hero does not consider himself innocent. He broods over some unidentified and seemingly unforgivable sin in his past. Considering the world a “place of agony and strife” where he must “suffer” for this sin, the defiant and tormented hero turns […]

What are the consequences of such “blindness” to reality-How can this impediment be remedied, if at all?

One of the most pervasive themes in Western Literature is that of blindness vs sight as a spiritual or moral allegory. Characters or figures in literature are often unable to see clearly because of some moral failure (what we Christians call sin) that impedes not physical sight, but their capacity for “seeing” reality as it […]

Which of these characteristics do you see in yourself and what will you work on to obtain essential characteristics you may not have acquired yet?

What do you believe the 3 most prominent characteristics of a human service professional should be? How do these characteristics compare to those desirable for Christians, as described in Scripture? Which of these characteristics do you see in yourself and what will you work on to obtain essential characteristics you may not have acquired yet?

What do you believe is the single most influential force in today’s society that sets the tone for an individual’s personal values and why? Does this force affect Christians positively or negatively? What is your advice regarding this influential force?

Description Assignment prompt: “Select 1 of the following: What do you believe is the single most influential force in today’s society that sets the tone for an individual’s personal values and why? Does this force affect Christians positively or negatively? What is your advice regarding this influential force? Select an ethnic group that you are […]

Identify the beginning and ending or your text. What textual clues and indicators mark this text as a unit?

Exegetical Project. Isaiah 42:1-9. (25% of course grade). 5 pages This project will be a guided “exegesis” project focusing on Isa 42:1-9. For this project you will locate the text in its historical context, outline the chapter, summarize the themes, and discuss how this passage is relevant to Christians today. The essay should be no […]