When the lawsuit ended in 2004 and by studying his bones (pre DNA), scientists were able to determine what about the Kennewick Man’s relationship to modern day tribes?

Mirror for Humanity: Concise Introduction Cultrual Anthropology by Conrad Kottak Questions: (pick 4) Who did his skeletal morphology look like? Is it possible to connect him to Native American tribes based solely on the morphology of his cranium? When the lawsuit ended in 2004 and by studying his bones (pre DNA), scientists were able to […]

What are the signs and symptoms of the disorder?

Genetic Disorders Description You will do research on a genetic disease or disorder (this is different from what is listed in the module content pages). You can choose any disease or disorder that has a full or partial genetic component, or a condition that is caused by a gene or chromosome defect. Address each of […]

How far apart on the X chromosome are the white and miniature genes?

Your Assignment You will be setting up several fly crosses, comparing offspring ratios, and determining the mode of inheritance of those genes. We will be using mutants in the white gene and in the miniature gene for this lab. The white gene and the miniature gene are both located on the X chromosome.  Follow the […]

How many dark bands can be seen clearly in the p arm of chromosome 8?

Module 2 Professional Responsibilities – Genetic 1- Two small proteins are both 80 amino acids long, and each have the same amount of individual amino acids. Why do they have different functions? 2- How would chromosome formation be affected by a loss of histone proteins? Used the file picture to answer questions 3-7 with reference […]

What are the functions of cell wall in plant cells?

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Choose the correct statement with respect to unicellular organisms: (a) in unicellular organisms, tissues work in co-ordination to perform different functions. (b) unicellular organisms do not require food. (c) unicellular organisms respire and reproduce. (d) all unicellular organisms move by cilia. Majority of cells cannot be seen directly with our naked eyes […]

Discuss what comprises the cell’s genetic material using the terms chromatin, chromosomes, and sister chromatids and how this genetic material is organized in the dividing vs. non-dividing cell.

What Makes Identical Twins Different? Discussion In no less than 200 words, please describe what you learned about how the structure of DNA affects the function of DNA. Using your textbook, describe the difference between a chromosome and a gene. Discuss how one chromosome (for instance, Chromosome 1) inherited from your mother is similar to […]