Can you possible tell if there is any other emotion in their body language (happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, contempt)? What do you see?

Nonverbal Observation Assignment For this exercise, you are going to sit and observe speakers in a natural setting. What you will do is find a place and sit for 30-45 minutes and watch. You will observe three different conversations. Even if you do not hear what the speakers say, observe their bodies and attempt to […]

What was the situation?-How did the nonverbal communication affect the verbal communication?

For your initial post in this discussion, please include an explanation of how these nonverbal dynamics are presented in the clip: Haptics Chronemics Eye behaviors Vocalics Gestures Part II. Think about where you have seen this same nonverbal cue(s) in your own life. Share a personal example in which you explain where you have witnessed […]