Identify and discuss the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States.

The enforcement of drug laws in the United States Identify and discuss the major policy statements or legislation that had significant effects on the enforcement of drug laws in the United States. The assignment should be presented chronologically beginning with the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and end at today’s date. This assignment may […]

Summary of the sources, organized either chronologically, thematically, or methodologically.

Literature review, and research question (class is research methods) based on CLINICAL RESEARCH FOR HUMANS Based on the selected topic, write a literature review, and develop the research question. Use the works identified in Part 1 – Topic Selection/ Annotated Bibliography to write your literature review. If any works identified were not relevant to the […]

Did the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles “create” an environment in Europe that led to World War II, why or why not?

Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I, but many historians consider the treaty controversial because of its stipulations that may have led to the Great Depression and/or World War II. 1. Did the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles “create” an environment in Europe that led to World War II, why […]

What consequences are associated with the subject?

Romeo and Juliet Analysis Essay (1) Choose Topic — Decide which contrast you would like to write about: Sleeping vs. waking Individuals vs. society Appearance vs. reality (2) Collect Examples — In one document, collect all the quotations and plot points that deal with your chosen topic (and include the correct line numbers!). For example, […]

What did you learn, or did not learn, from this book that makes it a valuable, or not valuable, contribution to our understanding of the historical topic? Why?

Jacoby, Karl. Crimes Against Nature: Squatters, Poachers, Thieves, and the Hidden History of American Conservation (2014). A summary of the author’s primary argument: What is the author’s main idea – what is the topic? What is/are the most important question(s) the author is asking? The author wants to teach you something, to convince you about […]