How was the class system reinforced both in life and in death for early American colonists?

Listen: “Bones in Church Ruins Likely The Remains of Early Jamestown’s Elite” This task should take about 20 minutes of your time. listen to this 5 minute-NPR story. The transcript on the website is identical to the radio recording; you may choose to listen or read the story. This assignment earns 20 points. e define […]

How does the Bible support the facilitation of an active and productive missions program in local churches?

Local Church Missions Project: submit a paper (5-7 pages) outlining the student’s proposed missions project for his/her local church. Students must meet the following requirements: 1. Make the case for the need of an effective missions/outreach program in your local church. How does the Bible support the facilitation of an active and productive missions program […]

Explain why the Church insists for “Christian names” in Baptism?

ACTIVITY 1 What are the roles of the witnessing community in the life of the baptized child? What is the effect of the sacrament of Baptism to the life of the recipient? ACTIVITY 2 – Assignment: Explain why the Church insists for “Christian names” in Baptism? Explain the meaning and the importance of Baptism to […]

Why are you supportive of that particular religion(s) being promoted and not other religions?

Separation of Church and Public Education Separation of church and state has long been a hotly debated issue in the United States. In addition, so has the separation of church and public education. note, the basis of this discussion is based on public and not private education. Here’s a modern day example. In the state […]

Explain how either 1 John or Hebrews teaches about the centrality of love for the community.

Discussion board 8 All posts must utilize at least one, in-text quotation with appropriate citation that demonstrates mastery of relevant vocabulary and concepts. A citation is a way to identify where you are getting specific information that you did not already know before working through the module materials. When citing Church documents such as Dei […]

How much time are you spending investing in their spiritual growth and development in comparison?

1. List some of the ways that your children are influenced every day by secular culture. How much time are you spending investing in their spiritual growth and development in comparison? 2. Think about the various rhythms of family life as they pertain to the spheres of Home, Community, Church, and World. What are some […]

Provide a 300 word reflection about how you think social forces affect the behavior you have decided you would like to change.

Provide a 300 word reflection about how you think social forces affect the behavior you have decided you would like to change. Your reflection should can include any social aspects you want to focus on, including, but not limited to family, friends, organizations/clubs (e.g., church groups, fraternities or sororities, campus groups), and work relationships.  

What is the Role of Church in the Death Penalty and Present societal?

Research question: What is the Role of Church in the Death Penalty and Present societal? Research Topic: The Death Penalty and Present Societal and Church Perspectives. Description: Research Paper Applying Practical Theology to a Specific Dilemma: Write a 15-page research paper applying Practical Theology to a real-world dilemma in your life or ministry. The paper […]

What role does the physical human body play in the Introduction, Prologue, and Tale?

Answer the following questions within 4-5 sentences: How does Chaucer craft our responses to the Pardoner? When are we drawn to him; when do we recoil? What role does the physical human body play in the Introduction, Prologue, and Tale? Why is the tree a significant image in the tale? Work out the significance of […]

What does this tell us about the influence of older building and why the Ottomans would be inspired by its example?

The goal of this assignment is for you to investigate the design, decoration, and purpose of the Church of Hagia Sophia, determine how it inspired the design of the Mosque of Süleyman the Magnificent in Istanbul, then reflect on what this tells us about the transmission of styles and design across time and cultures. Instructions […]