How does this text use multimodal features to explore a global issue, the vulnerability of people in times of crisis

Write a detailed analysis of an advertisement by UNHCR ‘Dilemma campaign’ it needs to include: – intro, 3 topic statement and 3 paragraphs for each topic statement – how does language, text, other devices exploring the global issue – use cinematic techniques Write an analysis of the UNHCR ‘dilemma campaign’ that responds to the question: […]

Write an in-depth analysis of either the son, mother or father.

Write an in-depth analysis of either the son, mother or father. Your analysis necessarily will include points about the other two family members besides the main one you are examining , but try to really dig into our psychological/cinematic understanding of one family member. Avoid excessive “plot summary.” Use the web link associated with “Ordinary […]

Do you think he achieved a unified and coherent look for the film?

After reading Chapter 5 (Mise-en-scène) of Looking at Movies, explain how the major elements of cinematic design are put together in the film Pan’s Labyrinth / The Incredibles/ Raising Victor Vargas and try to summarize the intentions of its director. What is the director trying to communicate with the choices of mise-en-scène in this film? […]

Identify the main feature that makes films made in the transitional era different from films made in the primitive era.

This is an open-book test, so MAKE SURE YOUR ANSWERS ARE YOUR OWN. Act in your own self-interest–don’t take a chance on losing the large chunk of points you can earn out of the 20 possible points for this test. MOST IMPORTANT !!!–Keep in mind that I know that everyone is stressed in these difficult […]