What is Daily Estimate Circulation vs. Impression Rating System from our chapter?

What is the role of direct marketing in IMC? What are the advantages of direct marketing? What are some examples of direct marketing activities? What is direct response advertising, what are some examples? Give an example of a direct marketing campaign you believe is well done, why was it effective 150 words What are the […]

Describe how it is illustrated and noted on the construction document sheets. How many sheets is the element on-How is it illustrated-Is it possible to improve the design-How would it be improved?

Codes Design Journal The purpose of the Codes Design Journal is to give students an opportunity to observe use of building codes, standards, and guidelines in practice. Each week you will review building plans with a focus on the Code Specifications. Additionally, you will add information based on in-person observations along with photos. You will […]

What is the role of translation in the circulation of social and cultural products as well as ideas and ideologies; allowing them to be reproduced, transmitted and received across time and space?

What is the role of translation in the circulation of social and cultural products as well as ideas and ideologies; allowing them to be reproduced, transmitted and received across time and space?