What groups of people do you anticipate are negatively impacted by this financing structure?

Case Study: Global Health Financing: the Tool to Achieving Universal Health Coverage For this assignment, imagine you are hired as a consultant, and tasked with preparing a presentation on the health financing status of a low-to-middle income country of your choice to share with their Ministry of Health. Your research and presentation should address the […]

Do you think these programs violate citizens’ constitutional rights or are they necessary measures to track terrorists? Justify-explain your answer.

Discussion 5 Describe government surveillance programs that have developed since 9/11. Do you think these programs violate citizens’ constitutional rights or are they necessary measures to track terrorists? Justify and explain your answer.

How might newer forms of media, like social media, be changing traditional relationships between citizens and news media? provide examples and evidence for your position.

Prompt 2: How do journalists and political leaders inform or persuade citizens through the news media? Why might these messages fail to inform or persuade citizens? Is the news media ideologically biased? If so, what are the consequences of this bias? If not, what is preventing bias from occurring? How might newer forms of media, […]

What you think it means for the representation of citizens in the House and Senate?

Descriptive representation is a way of thinking about representation in which it is thought to be important that representatives have the same racial, gender, ethnic, religious, or educational backgrounds as their constituents. Review how Congress has changed over time with respect to race, gender, veteran status, education, and religion in the Pew Research articles “The […]

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the legislative process in the United States, Sweden, and Egypt. Determine if it has an effect on the quality of life of the citizens.

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the legislative process in the United States, Sweden, and Egypt. Determine if it has an effect on the quality of life of the citizens.

Which political institutions do citizens trust more? Which ones do they trust less?Discuss

Description 2,000 words report addressing a research question and offering a piece of quantitative analysis. 45% of overall grade. All of the needed files have been uploaded. I have picked option 1 for the report.(see POLI10301 report instructions) Option 1: “Trust in political institutions. A comparison of political attitudes in two European countries” If you […]

Discuss How does the media affect citizens’ knowledge, perceptions, and political behavior? Should the media be reformed, and if so, how? If not, why not?

Topic: How does the media affect citizens’ knowledge, perceptions, and political behavior? Should the media be reformed, and if so, how? If not, why not? Paper details: Please, read materials and 6 articles for completing this assignment. Chat