How did political models of citizenship reproduce racism, racial power, or eurocentrism?

Part one Oral History and Marginalized Communities The three (3) steps to complete this assignment are explained below in more detail, but here they are in a nutshell: Pick 2+ course concepts. Answer 2+ question(s) or prompts. Leave 2+ substantive comments. There are two (2) dimensions that add up to 30 total points possible from […]

Explain the difference between corporate social responsibility and corporate social responsiveness.

leadership and development Prepare the following essay.While it should be as long as necessary to completely and thoroughly address the item below, each essay is anticipated to be a minimum of one (1) double-spaced typed page. Explain the difference between corporate social responsibility and corporate social responsiveness. Give an example of each. How does corporate […]

 Did James automatically acquire US Citizenship after his mom became a US Citizen?

Immigration Law 2021 Quiz 3 Questions Citizenship Which of the following is True? True or False? A Legal Permanent resident can elect/choose to apply for Citizenship. It is optional and not mandatory. Which one is True? To be eligible for citizenship based on marriage to a US Citizen, someone must establish good moral character at […]

How did the definition of citizenship in the new republic exclude Native Americans and African-Americans?

Focus Questions Ch 7 1. What were the achievements and problems of the Confederation government? 2. What major disagreements and compromises molded the final content of the Constitution? 3. How did Anti-Federalist concerns raised during the ratification process lead to the creation of the Bill of Rights? 4. How did the definition of citizenship in […]

Explain the factors that are related to reentry program failure and success. Why do you think prisoner reentry is so difficult in this nation?

Reentry program failure and success Explain the factors that are related to reentry program failure and success. Why do you think prisoner reentry is so difficult in this nation? Do you believe that full citizenship rights should be granted after release from prison? If not, what restrictions should be put in place?

How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational, citizenship status-other opportunities-challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan?

How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational, citizenship status, or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan?

How did slavery-freedom influence the racial meanings of US citizenship and how immigrant workers are perceived as belonging or not belonging?

4. Slavery, Migrations, and Regulating Labor This week, we explored the foundations of U.S. society through the institution of slavery, along with how migrations and immigration policy have shaped ideas of belonging. Citing the lectures and readings answer the following questions in a few paragraphs: How was the institution of slavery central to the creation […]

What does it mean to be a feminist global citizen in the 21st century?

Feminist Citizenship in the 21st Century What does it mean to be a feminist global citizen in the 21st century? Perhaps it means to be someone who does the work of feminist advocacy with a “global feminist consciousness that challenges the interplay of patriarchal, capitalist, and racist power relations” (Reilly, 2007, p. 184).For this research […]