Do some brief research based on the City’s website to allow you to discuss the goals of the City.

City Presentation choose a city in the U.S. that you wish to discuss. Do some brief research based on the City’s website to allow you to discuss the goals of the City. You will most likely find this information in the City’s discussion of its general plan. Prepare to make an oral presentation during our […]

Describe the model of policy making that you feel would be best applied to your policy concern and the rationale for selecting this model.

WEEK2 CCNR-506 Identify a healthcare concern in your city or state that needs your advocacy with an elected official. What is the impetus and rationale for your selection? What is your solution to this concern? Describe the model of policy making that you feel would be best applied to your policy concern and the rationale […]

Briefly discuss how their architecture and city planning emphasize the most important aspects of their culture.

Essay Write a short 2-3 paragraph essay. Architecture and urban planning are intrinsically linked and since cultures began developing there has been a desire to use architecture and the “ideal city” to convey and express what aspects of their culture are most important. Choose two different cultures and briefly discuss how their architecture and city […]

Explain How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully. Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology.

How would you structure a research project to determine “who governs” in a major city (e.g., Detroit, if you wish)? Define your terms carefully. Be specific about theories you would test, your hypotheses, and research design and methodology. Some theorists attribute the incidence of black male social pathology to individual level factors such a poor […]

Discuss According to Plato, how does the justice of the individual relate to justice in the city? And why does Plato think that justice makes the individual and the city ‘happy’ (i.e. why does he believe that justice is beneficial or pleasant?)? Are Plato’s accounts of the relationship between the individual and city, and the happiness of the just individual and city convincing? Why or why not?

According to Plato, how does the justice of the individual relate to justice in the city? And why does Plato think that justice makes the individual and the city ‘happy’ (i.e. why does he believe that justice is beneficial or pleasant?)? Are Plato’s accounts of the relationship between the individual and city, and the happiness […]

Discuss how the approach adopted to sustainability differs from the current structure and development trajectory of the city, and how this might constrain the achievement of a more sustainable development.

a. a policy statement, setting out sustainable development policies for a real city, chosen by the student, with an emphasis on spatial layout and reconfiguring the city . b. a reflective piece on how the approach adopted to sustainability differs from the current structure and development trajectory of the city, and how this might constrain […]

Discuss,Are you a city person? Do you enjoy small-town life? Do you want to be close to nature? Mountains? Ocean? Lakes? Do you seek excitement or long for tranquility?

For this assignment, I am asking you to pretend that you have been awarded permanent residency in Canada (Don’t laugh….a lot of American’s will be looking to do so on November 4….regardless of who wins the US presidential election). In a two-page essay, state where in Canada you would choose to live. In addition, explain […]

Write an essay stating your position on whether it is better to live in a large city or in a small town. Use the information in your textbook and other sources from the Internet to support your decision

Your topic for this written assignment is, “Life in rural areas and life in a metropolitan city.” Although large cities are exciting places to live, small towns have their own special characteristics. Think carefully about this idea. Write an essay stating your position on whether it is better to live in a large city or […]