Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors.

Discussion 1: Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors. Discussion 2: Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? […]

Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of prosecutors

Instructions for the Discussion: Click on the link above to watch the video Prosecutorial Misconduct. Respond to the following prompts in the discussion topic: Do prosecuting attorneys have too much power? Should prosecutors be subject to civil liability when they engage in misconduct? Discuss how to promote and facilitate the ethical conduct and professionalism of […]

Discuss the probative worthiness of plain impression live-scanning, with emphasis on the disadvantages.

The inked fingerprint classification system has been used for over 100 years and has been accepted as proof of identification in the U.S. court system. The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) has been in use for over twenty years and has been regarded as proven. Recently, an AFIS process known as plain impression live-scanning has […]

What are the differences between Criminal law and Civil law?

Introduction to Law Unit 2 Assignment You must answer the questions in your own words. Material copied directly from the text, the lesson or another source, will receive a mark of zero. You must answer the questions in essay style, full sentences with proper spelling and punctuation. Marks will be deducted for spelling and grammar […]

Discuss the video Speech by USAF Lt. General Silveria in terms of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Do you agree or Disagree with his Speech? Support your position.

Each student is expected to submit a reasoned, well-researched answer to the discussion question(s). Each must be supported using APA writing style = (a) in-text citations AND (b) a list of references. DO NOT USE “I” IN YOUR WRITINGS. 300 WORDS Discussion Topic – Watch and then critically discuss the video Speech by USAF Lt. […]

What is political agenda about A child’s civil right to live a life that is free from discrimination of any kind is paramount in today’s society.

A) What is political agenda about A child’s civil right to live a life that is free from discrimination of any kind is paramount in today’s society. B) What policies are available in relation to A child’s civil right to live a life that is free from discrimination of any kind is paramount in today’s […]