What religion is practiced in this city?

Silk Road Research Log The Silk Road is one of the most traveled and intricate trading systems throughout the history of Eurasia. Not only was there trading of goods, but also ideas and diseases. The merchants that traveled this system of roads (and ocean routes) experienced many different cultures and civilizations along their way. As […]

Discuss the connection between the works of art and the emergence of religion, writing, political structures, or codes of law within that civilization.

Module 2 Choose one example of art or architecture from two of the early civilizations covered in this module to compare and contrast (e.g. Sumer, Akad, Egypt). Be sure to address the following points/questions in your comparison. • Identify each work (title, culture of origin, date, medium) and describe the most notable formal and iconographic […]

What do you feel were the three most important cultural impacts of these growing connections-why did you pick those?

Final exam 1. For the period 600 BCE to 1200 CE, compare and contrast the societies of Africa with the societies of the Americas. (This can be done by selecting several points of comparison, and then using just one or two societies from Africa and one or two from the Americas as examples to illustrate […]

Identify-explain at least three factors that contributed to the emergence of primary phase civilizations.

Discussion Identify and explain at least three factors that contributed to the emergence of primary phase civilizations. Identify and explain how three different pharaohs had major impacts on ancient Egyptian history. Identify and explain THREE ways in which Indus Valley Civilization was different than primary phase Mesopotamia or Egypt. Identify and explain three similarities or […]

write a one to two-page journal entry about that current cultural offering.

Unit 1 Journal In Unit 1 you have been introduced to prehistoric and early civilizations and their art, architecture, literature, and religion. Find a current cultural offering such as a movie, book, virtual exhibition of art or artifacts, or news article about recent discoveries related to the theme of this unit and write a one […]

Explain why you consider each piece of evidence one of the most important.

• Review the evidence that leads us to conclude that Africans had a powerful influence on Olmec and Mayan civilizations around four thousand years ago. Choose what you consider the four most important pieces of evidence that persuade you of the African presence in Mesoamerica. • Explain why you consider each piece of evidence one […]

Why were rivers so important in the first civilizations? Discuss.

World Civilizations 1: Writing Assignment 1 Prompt and Directions For Writing Assignment 1, write approximately 500 words answering the following question: Why were rivers so important in the first civilizations? This Writing Assignment requires 3 sources, including primary and secondary sources, in-text citations, and a Works Cited Page. Be sure to avoid summarizing in this […]