Discuss From the perspective of the individual, is enforcement of EU law more effective via the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) or the EU Commission?

Topic: From the perspective of the individual, is enforcement of EU law more effective via the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) or the EU Commission? Provide reasons for your answer.

‘The EU is ruled by an army of bureaucrats who dream up new legislation and run day to day business.’ Discuss this statement from the Daily Mail in relation to the EU institutions, their roles and the legislative process.

‘The EU is ruled by an army of bureaucrats who dream up new legislation and run day to day business.’ Discuss this statement from the Daily Mail in relation to the EU institutions, their roles and the legislative process. Member state liability has contributed to the protection of individual rights and the effective application of […]

Critically discuss this statement. In your argument, propose a change as to how the rule of enforcement could better benefit from this direct action focusing on the potential role that Member States should play.

QUESTION: While it is possible for an EU Member State to bring an action against another Member State under Art 259 TFEU, it tends to be an ‘exceptional’ procedure rather than the norm. Consequently, even though the aim of this article is to achieve the practical elimination of infringements by Member States and the consequences […]