What are some of the specific things that these companies are doing right that have helped them minimize the impact from cyber attacks?

Week 2 Discussion: Getting the Basics Right In The Fifth Domain, Clarke states that the balance between offense and defense in cyberspace is changing. Chapter three describes two kinds of companies. While past attacks like NotPetya have devastated many companies, other companies seem to have been unaffected. What are some of the specific things that […]

Define state and non-state actors and discuss the types of cyber threats they pose to our nation. Include in your discussion the potential ‘impact’ (life, costs, governmental, etc.) of each set of actors against our nation.

1 page response to each question below. Use any legitimate resource from the web, textbook, lecture, etc. 2-3 sources for each paper. 1. Define state and non-state actors and discuss the types of cyber threats they pose to our nation. Include in your discussion the potential ‘impact’ (life, costs, governmental, etc.) of each set of […]