Write a 3-paragraph post introducing this research to your classmates (recommended minimum 300 words).

Assignment Details In Unit 1, you explored the value of research in public safety, with an emphasis on how failure to adhere to the scientific method can introduce results that undermine public safety. In this discussion, you will continue examining research by finding examples of qualitative and quantitative research used in public safety. You will need to […]

Is there anything you want to share with your classmates about your process that is a good tip, or something you want to tell everyone about learning from your own mistakes?

Discussion post How is the Capstone process going for you? Is there anything you want to share with your classmates about your process that is a good tip, or something you want to tell everyone about learning from your own mistakes? (This is a good opportunity to offer each other encouragement to turn in for […]

What suggestions do you have to help your peer locate more effective supporting source information?

After you post your initial response, choose the initial posts of at least three of your classmates and respond. Your responses to your peers should include evaluative comments that help your classmates create their proposals in Module 13. Use the following questions to guide your responses: Is the overall topic clear and persuasive? If not, […]

Compose a thoughtfully written full paragraph of content in response to the information they posted.

Discussion: Peer Responses What To Do: 1. Read over your classmates’ contributions to last week discussion. 2. Select 3 classmates to respond to. 3. Compose a thoughtfully written full paragraph of content in response to the information they posted. 4. Double check your responses for spelling, grammar and length (a paragraph should be at least […]

How do you think the chosen company your classmate selected acted responsibly or how could improve its CSR?

Define corporate social responsibility (CSR) in your own words. Find a current event in the past 6 months in which a business either went above & beyond to demonstrate CSR, OR sorely failed to demonstrate CSR. Provide the name of the company & the good or bad deed. Do your findings change the way you […]

How could you add to or expand on your own philosophy of change based on their ideas?

The following question will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply problem-solving in your life. After reading the positive experiences and challenges of your classmates’ philosophies of change, how could you add to or expand […]

What have we discovered and what have we learned this very fast 8 week class?

Go back into the discussion boards of the class – and collect quotes from you or your classmates that summarize this course. What have we discovered and what have we learned this very fast 8 week class? CHOOSE 2 things from Each Week that you have gathered – they have to be from the class […]

Compose a thoughtfully written full paragraph of content in response to the information they posted.

Discussion: Peer Responses What To Do: 1. Read over your classmates’ contributions to last week’s textbook reading discussion. 2. Select 3 classmates to respond to. 3. Compose a thoughtfully written full paragraph of content in response to the information they posted. 4. Double check your responses for spelling, grammar and length (a paragraph should be […]