Discuss why you chose the topic and the impact it has on public health nursing.

Discuss your topic you chose for your presentation in this topic. Discuss why you chose the topic and the impact it has on public health nursing. Provide feedback to your classmates to assist in the development of the presentation in this topic. “Public Health Nursing role in early detection of Alzheimer Disease”  

Write as if your mother or roommate will be reading your answer:

Philosophy for living 6. Write as if your mother or roommate will be reading your answer: a. Really. Write as if your audience is not you, your classmates, or your professor (all of whom should be familiar with the material already). b. Rather, ask yourself if someone as smart as you – but without benefit […]

Do they indicate a clear stance on the issue?

22FL-EN325-44 – Advanced Writing for the Social Sciences WK#5 Read the attached document about Contrasting Ideas, then post one or two sentences following the examples in the document, on a controversial topic from your major area, or discipline of study. Remember to use the sentence format provided in the attached sheet. Now, comment on the […]

Explain the importance of this shift and how it impacted nursing as a profession.

King and Rogers Consider what was happening in nursing in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s with the change from diploma programs to an associate degree program. Martha Rogers believed that nursing is a separate and essential discipline and a unique field of study. She worked hard to establish nursing in higher education. Explain the […]

What did you disagree with, or how could you improve on the ideas?

Topic: Curious qualities of charisma Material 1 (Chance chapter 4) and 2 (Chance chapter 6.5). For each of the above materials,  answer the following questions separately (not as an essay of the three questions): What did you find helpful, and why? What did you disagree with, or how could you improve on the ideas? What […]

Identify two of the most important program planning elements, and explain why you think they are important.

Discussion 1-1 Program planning is a multistep process having several elements within each step. This process is used to decide what actions to take when addressing a health or healthcare need; it defines who should take the actions, as well as when and where to do so. In your initial post, introduce yourself to your […]

How did your purchase decision-making experience differ between those that were low versus high in involvement? Explain.

Discussion 1 learn.snhu.edu 2. After reviewing the recommended resource video, The Post-Crisis Consumer, do you see similar changes in consumerism in your own experience? Explain why or why not. 3. What items did you purchase this week? Which of them were low-involvement purchases? Which were high-involvement? How did your purchase decision-making experience differ between those […]

How in practice do you think consignors make decisions concerning choosing logistics services?

Service Providers (W4) Part I. Describe the various factors that have to be considered when selecting logistics service providers. How in practice do you think consignors make decisions concerning choosing logistics services? Part II. End your initial response with a follow-up question for your classmates to address in further the discussion.

Explain how a reduction in lead time can help a supply chain reduce its inventory buffer without hurting customer service.

Part I. Explain how a reduction in lead time can help a supply chain reduce its inventory buffer without hurting customer service. provide an example to support your research. Part II. End your initial response with a follow-up question for your classmates to address in further the discussion.