Do you think that this assignment would have been easier-less daunting if it were a group project? Why-why not?

Assignment for Business Writing Single space Business writing requires that you become well-versed in several genres (good news, bad news, business proposal, business plan/prospectus), styles (direct and indirect language), and formats (letters, memos, reports). This week, we will reflect on the business prospectus that you’ve been working on over the last several weeks. First, provide […]

What does the bystander effect teach you about how you act in the presence of others?

Unit 4 – Discussion Board (PSYC210-2105A-05) Assignment Details Due Date: January 11 Primary Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200-250 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your […]

What are the key functions of the information systems that enterprises look for?

Week 2 Discussion Respond to the following in a substantive post (3–4 paragraphs): What is your understanding of a business process? How is the business process linked to the information system? Can you think of an example, a public or a private corporation, and explain how various divisions collaborate using information systems to maximize the […]

Describe a personal experience of when you purchased a product-service whereby you feel you maximized surplus as a consumer

Market Efficiency and Market Failure An exchange between a buyer and seller occurs usually when the exchange creates both a consumer surplus and a supplier surplus. Market efficiency occurs when consumer and supplier surplus are maximized. However, in exchanges between buyers and sellers, should society be only concerned with market efficiency? For this discussion, answer […]

Does your classmate’s post convince you that their hypothesis should be supported? Why or why not?

Response to student post 1, Does it meet the guidelines for a good hypothesis? If not, what is missing or incorrect? How could they improve their hypothesis to make it more clear or specific? 2, Does your classmate’s post convince you that their hypothesis should be supported? Why or why not? 3, Can you think […]